Chapter 159

Name:Agent Rebirth: Ace 23 Author:Gui Fei
The strong smell of alcohol and the smell of medicine are intertwined. Under the special sensitive taste of Langsheng, the taste seems to be aggravated several times, which makes her nose suffer very much.

"Wake up?"

A warm magnetic male voice said at the bedside, and she suddenly opened her eyes.

"I... I fainted?"

"Heatstroke plus excessive stimulation."

On her forehead was an ice wet towel, and her clothes had not been changed.

Is it too exciting? Yeah. She hasn't slowed down now. She doesn't have the identity of an agent anymore.

Then a blonde man came in laughing and holding the medical record book.

"Hi, xiaochaoxi." Alvin carried two thermoss in her hand and sat on the other side of her hospital bed“ This bottle is yours. Let's eat. "

Alvin opened her thermos and looked up again with a pair of murderous eyes.

"Sorry, I didn't do much. You know, your mouth is very picky. " Alvin frowned and smiled, and his face was terrible.

Langsheng didn't move, but secretly admired his courage.

"Since it's all right, I'll take her back. Take your time. " Quan Yi's face was cold, and his stiff tone revealed that he was gnashing his teeth.

He didn't know how much the boy occupied in his heart now.

That I care about her.


In a dark room, on an old rocking chair, there was a young man with black hair. The candle lamp beside him went out, and there was a faint smoke. The countdown to life at his feet was particularly eye-catching.

On the ancient city type window lies a white plush white cat. The almost opaque window completely covers this actually exquisite room with a layer of ash.

"Master Lu." There was a thick old voice outside the door, followed by a knock at the door.

After a pause, the person in the room said faintly, "come in."

The man who came in was the housekeeper of this place, surnamed Luo. He is a retired mercenary who helps Luhei take care of his subordinates and other work.

Housekeeper Luo sent a file bag. The boy in the rocking chair slowly got up and took the file bag.

Open it and drop a stack of photos.

The black haired boy picked up the photo, which is a photo of Langsheng talking with District 22 and 21 and threatening Yao's men.

"Young master, do you want to get rid of her?"

"No, she is Xiaosheng's Apprentice. I recommend nine color peaches for her to accept. When she meets one that she is willing to accept, she is the first. " The road black dry voice replied, re lit candle lamp, burned two photos on hand.

Housekeeper Luo was also shocked. The young master was absolutely not lenient to those who betrayed him, but because miss Lang's Apprentice let go.

Miss Lang's position in the young master's heart is still high.

Housekeeper Luo hesitated and said, "young master, blank is in the same car with Quan Yi now. They may join hands."

"Well, although there are always so many people who say that she has the skills of an old hand. And Xiaosheng should also teach her this. It will be very complicated for her to work with Quan Yi. But we don't know the strength of the blank, and we can't tell which level she is at. "

Lu Hei hung his eyes and analyzed. The white cat on his leg narrowed his eyes, dangerous and sharp.

Housekeeper Luo said nothing at last and closed the door. He didn't say just now that Quan Yi is training recruits. If he trains into a group of elites, it will definitely pull down their advantage now.

Bad luck. Miss Lang's apprentice is really not obedient. As expected, we should get rid of the recruits as soon as possible.