Most of the time, what is in front of us is not necessarily the truth.

"I ask you, does Nanfeng have the habit of making up?" Li shaoting asked.

Leng Yichen shakes his head and looks at him puzzled. What does it have to do with whether Nanfeng likes to make up?


"Morning, I thought you could always keep your head clear, but this time, you let me down. But I don't blame you. After all, the one who died was Nanfeng. You will lose your judgment for the time being. It's understandable. "

Li shaoting pulled his lips and comforted Leng Yichen like a child.

Leng Yichen still didn't understand, "what do you mean?"

"It means that the woman who was pushed away by the forensic medicine just now is not Nanfeng at all, but someone else!"

"But Nanfeng doesn't have twin sisters!" Gu ruoyi stepped forward in a hurry.

Never heard of Li Shaoxi as like as two peas in the south wind, so how can anyone be the same?

"What's more, just now Chen said that what she was wearing was the same as what he remembered. Don't you want to tell us that someone took off Nanfeng's clothes and wearing, and then let another woman put them on, and finally push this woman down from the upstairs as Nanfeng?"

This will only appear in suspense movies!

Will the hard things come true in real life?

If so, what is the purpose?

"How clever, Mrs. Li!" Li shaoting openly praised Gu ruoyi. His eyes were as soft as spring breeze. It seemed that the world only pretended to be her next woman.

Gu ruoyi stares at his hope. What she cares about now is Nanfeng's card. He is still talking.

"Ah Ting, what ruoyi said is what you mean. But how can you be sure that it wasn't Nanfeng himself that was pushed away? " Even he, who lived with Nanfeng for so many years, didn't recognize it.

Li shaoting nodded, then recalled what he had noticed just now, "because there is a big difference in the skin color of this' person '!"

"Bad skin color?" Two people speak in unison.

"Just now I saw that the skin color on Nanfeng's face is different from the skin color below his neck. Just like my wife Li said, someone has found someone to replace Nanfeng. That's to create the illusion of Nanfeng's death."

"No wonder!" Suddenly Gu ruoyi whispered.

Just now, she also noticed that, although she had doubts, she thought that maybe because of blood coagulation and purple, she thought that the white girl had suddenly turned black.

"It seems that Mrs. Li has noticed."

"If it's the same as you said, who wants to create the illusion of Nanfeng's death and sacrifice an innocent woman?"

Although Leng Yichen felt that their words were unrealistic, he also hoped that Nanfeng would not die, but he was full of doubts.

"Then ask your big brother."

"Big brother?"

At the corner of the hospital corridor, let's leave. What are the three people talking about.

Because Leng Yichen still had doubts, Li shaoting took him to the legal department.

From there, Leng Yichen and Gu ruoyi couldn't calm down for a long time.

"I didn't expect that a person without blood relationship would look so similar to another person!" Gu ruoyi sighed.

"Wrong, as like as two peas, Mrs. Li, it is not a long thought, but a whole face. It is very simple to create a face with the same appearance as the developed technology.

It seems that this is a premeditated thing for a long time.

It's just that the face can change, but the skin color can't.

Cold also morning at this time the mood is very complex, warm eyes overflow with cold feelings.

Is this really about big brother?

Why on earth did he do that?

What good is it for him?

Leng Yichen went back to Leng's home alone from the hospital, feeling mixed and complicated.

Because the doctor said that it was night for Li Shaoxi to wake up. Li shaoting ordered bailuo to stay and guard, and drove away from the hospital.

"Mrs. Li, don't you have anything to say?"

Li shaoting drives seriously. Occasionally he turns his head to look at her sad face.

"I said why Leng Yifan didn't feel so sad just now. It turns out that he already knew that falling down from the upstairs was not the real south wind."

At Nanfeng's birthday party, I saw Leng Yifan's confession to Yin Nanfeng.

"Do you think it's true that she's hiding the real south wind? Why did some people say they saw Xi Meili push the earth down? What is the plot behind this? "

Gu ruoyi is confused by all kinds of doubts in his heart.

"Leng Yifan loves Nanfeng deeply, so the purpose is obvious!"

Suddenly, Li shaoting answered coldly.

Gu ruoyi was surprised, a pair of clear water eyes wave light, "do you know Leng Yifan likes the south wind?"

Thought the whole thing only she and Li Shaoxi know, after all, Nanfeng birthday day only himself and Li Shaoxi bump into.

"Mrs. Li, in fact, it's not a very secret thing. Everyone knows it."

"I don't think many people know about it."

"What are we going to do next? How can we find out the south wind? See Xi beautiful vomit blood, actually I quite worry! "

He liked Nanfeng so much that she couldn't imagine how hard Nanfeng's death hit him.

Or did Xi Meili follow the "south wind" when she woke up?

Li shaoting frowned, dissatisfied with Gu ruoyi's present performance.

"Get rid of your worries! Barrow, look, he'll be fine! " He wants to control her mind.

Since she had a child, she is not the only one. Now she worries about Xi.

"What? I'm worried about your brother."

The atmosphere was heavy just now, but now it's becoming more active.

"Even if it's our children, I don't like you to put all your heart into them, let alone Xi. Just put all your heart into me. " He wants to completely occupy her heart.

"As for Nanfeng, as long as people are still alive, they will find it. I have asked Chen to send more people to pay attention to the trend of Leng Yifan! As long as he goes to see Nanfeng, we can find her Li shaoting is determined.


Leng Yichen returns to Leng's home and finds that all the people in her family are in grief and heartache.

Old Mr. lengye is more like ten years old, depressed and red eyed. Although Yin Nanfeng is not his own granddaughter, he treats her as his own granddaughter in his heart.

"Grandfather, people can't come back to life after death. It's hard for us to love you when such a thing happens to Nanfeng." Cold is no comfort.

"You are old, too much joy and too much sorrow is bad for your health!"