"Miss Gu, maybe this inspection will be different from usual!" The man in the big white coat said to Gu ruoyi seriously!

"Well?" Gu ruoyi turns his head and looks at the doctor with some doubts.

"Well, this time we need to use the way of blowing sleep to let Miss Gu go to sleep, so as to help you better recall more memories when you sleep!" Subconsciously, the doctor turned his head to look for something instead of Gu ruoyi's puzzled eyes.

Very good cover up because of lying and show the subtle look!

"That's it Gu ruoyi believed it to be true and answered to the doctor.

"But I didn't know Dr. Zhuo could also blow sleep!" Gu ruoyi laughs half jokingly and half seriously, but before he replies, she slowly closes her eyes.

When Gu ruoyi closed his eyes, two men came in from the outside, Huangfu Ling and a young man with a cross.

The doctor got up and wanted to say hello, but he was forbidden by Huangfu and asked him to leave here first!

"Miss Gu, no matter what sound you hear or smell, please don't open your eyes!" The young man sat by the bed, and then took out some special potions, "according to what I said, imagine that you are very tired, tired, and don't want to move. Rabbit needs sleep to relieve your fatigue!"

The man took a drop of the fragrant liquid medicine and put it on his palm. He rubbed out the fragrance of the liquid medicine repeatedly and gave full play to the fragrance of the liquid medicine.

Gu ruoyi is not a person with sleep disorders, especially when she smells the unspeakable fragrance, and the man's hypnotic words, she soon feels more and more heavy eyelids, and feels really sleepy. Even as the man said, her Korean dramas are more and more tired than ever before, as if there are heavy things to hold her down! Soon, soon into a deep sleep!

In less than five minutes, the woman on the bed has gone to sleep!

The young man looked back at Huangfu zero and said, "come on, this time, who do you want me to help this woman erase her memory?"

Two years ago, this man asked him to help this woman with sleep blowing and brainwashing, eliminating part of this woman's memory!

"This time, I don't need you to erase her memory. But... "Huang Fu Ling pretended to ponder, moved his eyes to the deep sleep woman on the bed, and said with great interest," I heard that if you don't mind, you can steal other people's memories, and you can tamper with other people's memories. Is that true? "

"Don't you believe me, young master Huangfu?" The young man glanced at Huangfu and sneered contemptuously.

Since you don't believe him, you still come to work for yourself?

"It's not that I don't believe it, it's just that I think it's incredible!" You know this kind of technology even high-tech now can't do without trauma!

"In fact, it's not very difficult! But let the person who is blown to sleep be induced step by step

"Tell me, what kind of memory do you want to add to this woman?"

Huangfu looked at the man calmly, "I want you to

At night, Gu ruoyi woke up in a nightmare!

When I woke up, I found that I was no longer in that room!

Just that nightmare just let her wet eyes!

It's not just a nightmare, it's more like your own memory!