Said the man has grasped the woman's arm, and then a pull, just ready to raise a thick hand to hit in front of the woman, was white Luo's light cough voice to be stunned.

The rough man followed the sound and saw three.

Two men and one woman!

And these men look like little white faces.

The words of the woman behind her are the best in the world!

Let go of the crazy woman years ago. The rough man lifts his pants up in front of Li shaoting and Gu ruoyi. He has no sense of shame.

During that time, his obscene eyes kept looking at Gu ruoyi.

If this can be with such a woman... There is no time to show that filthy picture, the man's idea will be interrupted by Li shaoting's cold voice.

"Are you Hou Xiaoqin?" Li shaoting opened his mouth coldly to the disheveled woman.

"Hey, why did you break into my house?" The man Kirin pointed at Li shaoting with the same arm, but he was half a head shorter than Li shaoting.

"I didn't ask you, get out of here!" Just now this man's wretched eyes irritated him!

What dog dares to stare at his woman with such eyes!

"Go away? I heard right, this is my home! Hum, if you want to get out, you should get out! But before you go away, you can leave the pretty girl behind you for me to play with The man is disgusting, staring at Gu ruoyi and licking his lips with his tongue, making a disgusting action!

His move makes Gu ruoyi feel sick and uncomfortable.

She was calm, her eyes covered with frost, and she glanced at the man.

Barrow took a breath because of the man's words! This is really not afraid of death, dare to say such words.

What makes bailuo more surprised is that the man bypasses them and stares at Gu ruoyi in a wretched way.

The man stretched out his hand to pinch Gu ruoyi's buttocks, but Li shaoting grabbed his hand, then twisted it hard, and the man yelled.

Li shaoting was full of cold and dangerous cruelty. "I don't think you are impatient!"

If it's cold, like a cold winter, the air around the room will drop to zero instantly!

The cold air spreads from the soles of feet to the whole body!

The man felt Li shaoting's anger, and his arm could not move under his hand!

Although the little white face looks tall, it is not as strong as him. How can he have so much strength? His arm can't move at all!

"You... You quickly let go, show your teeth, cry in pain, Li shaoting let go."

"Click" the sound of a broken bone.

No one believes that a man can abruptly break another's hand!

But barrow believed it.

Because their boss is not only a businessman, but also a terrible

"If you want to touch it, you can compensate with it!" With that, Li shaoting waved his fist to the man's rough face, and a tooth fell out. "Bailuo took the man out to wait on him!"

Barrow answered with a nod.

Suddenly, there were only three people left in the room!

The woman who had been silent looked at Li shaoting in suit and shoes in front of her with some fear: "you... Who are you?"

Hou Xiaoqin drooped his head and his hair was messy. It seemed that he hadn't combed it for a long time!

Then he whispered something out of control.

Gu ruoyi, they can't hear what the woman said!

"Are you Hou Xiaoqin?" Gu ruoyi walks up to the woman and asks in a hurry.

"Who are you? How can I know my name? Did Sheng Yong send you to kill me? " Women are nervous.

Before, a girl's mother was killed by Sheng Yong's people!

"No... we are not Sheng Yong's people. We just want to ask you a favor. "

"We know that your daughter died because of Sheng Yong. We know that you have been looking for opportunities to get justice for your daughter!"

"So we want you to testify against Sheng Yong's various crimes!"

Hearing someone mention her daughter, a woman's heart is filled with sorrow.

Her woman was only 18 years old at that time, but she died early!

And the person who killed her is Sheng Yong, who is inferior to the beast!

They just used their company's skin care products, which led to facial decay. They wanted their company's people to give an explanation, but they didn't admit that it was their company's skin care products that had a problem. They also told the media that they used their company's products in the end, which was only caused by using other people's skin care products.

They also slandered these girls, saying that they were allergic to other people's skin care products, and wanted to find their company to be a scapegoat and get huge compensation!

At that time, because the media was alarmed, they were afraid that the media would find out there was something wrong with their cosmetics. Then they bought a lot of media and made the media confuse black and white.

Later, Sheng Yong, a man inferior to animals, invaded the girls by looking for human nature, and beat them with painful means!

And one of them is her daughter! Hou Xiaoqin thought of her daughter, and tears fell from her eyes.

There is not a moment when she does not miss her daughter!

There's not a moment when I don't want to do justice for her daughter!

But what can she do as a woman at the bottom of society to seek justice?

Hou Xiaoqin took a look at Gu ruoyi and Li shaoting, and laughed with ridicule: "go to testify against him, forget it, we can't see that kind of person!"

"As long as you believe us, you will see it!"

Gu ruoyi said to Hou Xiaoqin.

"He's been on the loose for so long. Don't you want to get justice for your daughter?" Gu ruoyi asked.

"That kind of person has so much money and can solve a lot of things with money. Don't testify against him at that time. I'm afraid he won't even have a chance to see her at that time!"

"I think you should try to believe us!" And it's not hard for people like Sheng Yong to meet if they want to!

"Ha ha... Who will believe my one-sided words?" It's not that she didn't go to the media, or that she didn't turn to the outside world.

No one wants to believe her.

And the evidence in her hand is just a rotten cell phone left by her daughter.

When her daughter gave her mobile phone to her, she said that she must take good care of it. There was a video she had taken at that time.

At that time, I wanted to turn on the computer to see what my daughter had shot, but I couldn't turn it on! I don't know what video my daughter took at that time.

Li shaoting frowned at the woman's words.

If only by saying, no one will believe it!

"Auntie, didn't your daughter leave any clues at that time?" Gu ruoyi asked.