"Li shaoting, shouldn't you be with your partner? Don't you think you have a lot of spare time when you come to other people's lovers?" Hold your hands in front of your chest, specially accentuate the four words.

"Also, you hang your partner aside, how can you make Lu Qianxue feel embarrassed?"

Gu ruoyi listens to this, in the heart flashed a touch of taste, small face some loss.

The year of the Korean wave is clearly captured.

He smiles, hoping that Gu ruoyi is sad and desperate for Li shaoting. In this case, maybe he will have a chance.

Li shaoting naturally knows what Han LiuNian means by saying this. Suddenly, his face is gloomy and terrifying, and his eyes become fierce. "If you don't want to embarrass her, you can get off the car and accompany him. Anyway, the recording hasn't started, and the public doesn't know the original combination!"

Li shaoting's action is faster than what he said. He threw hanliunian out of the car, mercilessly and without any scruples. He didn't care whether he would be resented by hanliunian. "I've told the director to let you two popular movie partners. Besides, the director also agreed! "

Li shaoting raised a smile of satisfaction. "I heard that you two are very good performers. If you partner together, I think you can deduce a sweeter lover."

"In contrast, Li shaoting is inexperienced and doesn't know how to perform. I need your partner to teach me. And don't you think I'm more compatible with your partner? " Li shaoting shamelessly said, but also very cold overbearing.

With that, when Han LiuNian was ready to get on the bus, he quickly closed the door and coldly ordered the driver in front to drive.

Han LiuNian doesn't believe Li shaoting's words, so he goes to the director to verify them. What makes him even more astonished is that Li shaoting's words are true.

The director looks at Han LiuNian very complicatedly. If he is an ordinary artist, he will not feel embarrassed. But this is the movie king in front of him, and he will be more or less afraid.

However, that is the person he can't afford to offend. Even if he doesn't want to change their partner suddenly, he can't say no.

"I'm sorry, but I can't decide this... I think you know my situation!" The director is very sorry.

Of course, Han LiuNian knew it, but he was still very uncomfortable and worried?? not reconciled to.

Li shaoting is so arrogant!

Although there is anger in his heart, and he can quit recording at any time, but after thinking about it, how can he get rid of Li shaoting! So he got into Lu Qianxue's car.

Explained with Lu Qianxue, Lu Qianxue's whole face is very ugly, in the heart ignites a fury, the mood becomes very excited.

Han LiuNian can see that Lu Qianxue also likes Li shaoting.

If she didn't find Li shaoting, how could his partner be robbed? I don't know if the intelligence quotient of women in love is so low. Don't you want to create opportunities for them?

If you like Li shaoting, just stay in China and create all kinds of opportunities with him. It's clear that you want Gu ruoyi to be jealous, but you don't know that, but you succeed Li shaoting.

So there will be such a stupid woman!

Originally, I thought Lu Qianxue was a very smooth, generous and intelligent woman. Now it seems that she is no different from ordinary Qian Jin. She is so stupid.

Unfortunately, he has already planned how to get along with Gu ruoyi for a month, so that she can try to like herself. Today, it seems that Li shaoting has broken his plans!

Li shaoting!

Han LiuNian secretly scolded him in his heart.

Gu ruoyi here.

The car has been driving for a long time.

The two men in the car were silent.

At this time, Gu ruoyi's mood is very complicated.

I don't think Li shaoting will worry about other people's face at all. He always makes himself happy and embarrasses others!

"I told you not to show up in front of me!" Gu ruoyi spoke lightly.

However, my heart was sad because of my words.

Li shaoting suddenly turned his head. He couldn't help himself. This was his limit. He pulled Gu ruoyi over and hugged Gu ruoyi tightly. "Mrs. Li, I miss you!"

"Sorry, I tried what you said before, but I can't do it!"

"I can't do it. I can't do it without seeing you. I can't do it without thinking of you. I can't do it without seeing you and working together with Hallyu Nian!"

Gu ruoyi was held tightly by him, his face close to his chest, listening to his sonorous heart beat, for his words, she was very shocked.

Listen to him say I'm sorry, Gu ruoyi's heart seems to be tied by the hemp rope, which makes her pain.

What a proud man he is, he said these three words to himself.

"Cough... Li shaoting, can you let me go?" Gu ruoyi was so tightly held by Li shaoting that he was almost out of breath.

Li shaoting comes to realize that Gu ruoyi is a little loose.

To be honest, Gu ruoyi thinks that she is similar to other women. She is jealous and jealous. When she saw him and Lu Qianxue walking out together, she felt very sad and sour.

It's just self-esteem and her grandfather's words will make her pretend that she cares about him.

"After that, we'll be partners."

Li shaoting sees that Gu ruoyi doesn't speak for a long time. He thinks that he has made her unhappy again. After thinking for a long time, he opens his mouth.

"Well." Gu ruoyi pursed his lips and nodded.

Li shaoting thought he had heard wrong. He turned his head and looked at Gu ruoyi. He saw her delicate little face.

Li shaoting turned Gu ruoyi's face and asked her to look at herself. She said gently, "Mrs. Li, talk to me!"

"Boring!" Gu ruoyi said the most to him.

However, Gu ruoyi is still very curious about how Li shaoting is willing to give up the work of Li's group and come here.

Is he willing to give up the capital flow of billions and tens of billions in a day for such a big company?

"Why did you suddenly take part in the recording of this kind of reality show?"

"How can you give up your job in the company?"

"Lu Qianxue asked you to come?"

"Yes." Li shaoting first answered Gu ruoyi's last question.

Gu ruoyi didn't have time to eat, so Li shaoting answered her first question, "because Mrs. Li. Because I heard that Mrs. Li and Han LiuNian took part in this festival, so I agreed to Lu Qianxue's invitation. "

"For the sake of Mrs. Li, there's nothing I can't bear!" She is more important than her job, of course.