Bailuo looks at her boss kissing a woman's forehead so gently. She always feels that their boss will be a loyal dog husband in the future!

Moreover, their boss really loves Miss Gu ruoyi very much, otherwise, the boss would not be so angry because he received the news that she went to the hospital to kill the child alone!

Think of, Ji jingnian dare to challenge their boss, the people of Xiangcheng are so bold, dare to challenge the most powerful man in the imperial capital!

"Go out and talk!" Li shaoting leaves Gu ruoyi's forehead and whispers to Bai Luo.

Outside the corridor, what did bailuo say to Li shaoting? Li shaoting frowned coldly.

"It's an empty number?"

"It's a phone number that was cancelled three days ago! What's more, we checked that before the cancellation, it was the number used by the cleaners of that hospital! "

"Boss, do you want to ask the cleaner?"

"Since you use the cleaner's mobile phone account and cancel it, even if you find the cleaner and ask, you can't find anything!" Li shaoting asked coldly.

"Boss, that, that..."

"If you have anything to say, when did you become a babe?" Li shaoting takes the eye light of ice dregs to sweep Bai Luo one eye.

"Boss, don't you wonder why Miss Gu ruoyi came to you?"

"Half a month ago, boss, you asked me to take Gu's..." Bai Luo came down at the right time, and then raised his eyes to see if the boss had forgotten this stubble!

However, when he saw Li shaoting's face, he saw the haze on the boss's face. Bailuo suddenly regretted it.

Li shaoting glanced at Bai Luo coldly. His black face looked very unhappy. "Are you reminding me what I'm doing to her?"

"Boss, I didn't!" Barrow winced, then answered in a low voice.

Li shaoting narrowed his eyes, and the sharp cold light hit Bai Luo's body, making Bai Luo nowhere to hide.

"If there's nothing wrong, you go back to the company first!" With that, Li shaoting turned back to the ward.

It was not until eight o'clock in the evening that Gu ruoyi woke up! Gu ruoyi turns his eyes to relieve the dryness of his eyes. Then he slowly opens his bleary eyes and introduces the white ceiling and Lily like chandelier.

"Where is this?" Gu ruoyi whispered.

"Awake?" Li shaoting holds Gu ruoyi's hand tightly and sets Gu ruoyi up. He looks at Gu ruoyi tenderly.

Li shaoting deeply regretted what happened that day.

He should not have been forced to kill her child when she did not appear in time, her side to protect her, nor should she have been injured like that, but also sprinkle salt on her wound!

Li shaoting holds Gu ruoyi's hand and gradually tightens it. He doesn't want to let go of her.

When Gu ruoyi faced this beautiful and charming face, he suddenly felt bitter. He always thought that she had knocked out the child and never believed in himself. It was the same four years ago. He never believed in himself and she didn't marry him by playing tricks!

Looking at Li shaoting holding his hand, Gu ruoyi quickly pulled back his hand and said, "Mr. Li, what are you doing?"

I Gu ruoyi rubbed his painful hand which was grasped by Li shaoting.

Facing her cold appearance, Li shaoting's heart was stung by something, "honey, I'm sorry about that day!" Li shaoting stares at Gu ruoyi's face and apologizes.

For the child and her, he didn't show up at her side in time, still questioning her, sprinkle salt on her wound, because he lost his child, lost his mind and didn't believe her.

"I already know about that. It's not you, is it! You never thought about killing our kids, did you? "

"No, it's me!" Gu ruoyi's indifferent reply.

He didn't want to believe her, didn't he think she was cruel!

"No, no! I already know who it is. It's Ji jingnian, isn't it? "

Li shaoting pulls Gu ruoyi into his arms and holds Gu ruoyi tightly.

"Was Ji jingnian forced to tie you to the operating table?"

When the movie of Belo's operating room was sent to his mobile phone, in the video, she cried in despair and asked those damned people to let go of her. Seeing her pain, his heart began to ache, and he wanted to tear those damned people to pieces!

"Are those people forcing us to kill our children cruelly?" Li shaoting opened his mouth in a deep voice with other complicated emotions!

Hearing Li shaoting's words, all the things that happened that day poured into her mind. It was as if they had just happened. She almost thought that her heart was empty!

Sad into tears, low in Li shaoting's chest, "the child is gone!"

She sobbed and sobbed, "I'm the one who can't protect this child!"

It's her second time to lose a child!

"You're right, I won't be a qualified mother!"

She is not a person who always cries. As long as she thinks of the child, the pain in her heart is writhing in her chest.

"Baby, it was just a angry word at that time!" When Li shaoting listened to her last words, he didn't know what it was like. At the beginning, he just said a cold word because she didn't like her own children.

"Also, it's not your fault. Don't blame yourself for all your mistakes." He gently comforted and gently patted Gu ruoyi's back. He didn't want her to blame herself!

Thinking of her taking all the mistakes by herself, Li shaoting's heart began to correct.

After more than ten minutes, Gu ruoyi pushed Li shaoting away, wiped his eyes with his hand, and wiped away all his tears.

Li shaoting was suddenly pushed away by Gu ruoyi. He was a little surprised. He looked at Gu ruoyi in panic. This was such a look. When he saw her cold eyes, his whole heart sank down again.

Does she still not let go of the past and forgive herself?

"Li shaoting, since you already know that I didn't mean to kill the child, when are you going to remove the pressure on our gushiji group?" Suddenly Gu ruoyi realized his real purpose of looking for Li shaoting!

Although the Gu family is a big family, its financial strength is not as good as the Li family. "You've made us lose tens of billions of dollars. We didn't offend you. Don't you think it's too against the basic ethics of business?"

How could he take revenge on her for taking care of their family.

"Honey, I'm sorry. It's all my fault!"