"No way, you don't know the effectiveness of my work. He almost finishes the work of the next day every day. When he goes to the company, he just signs the contract and makes some big decisions!"

"Besides, every time I mentioned my goddess to him, he was like a different person. His eyes were like killing me." Ye Zixiu's heart was still palpitating when he thought of it.

When he is bored at work, he goes to Li shaoting to complain.

In the past, he would occasionally bird him. Now, as long as he mentioned the goddess, he would be cold faced and blow himself out of the office!

"If you want to know, go home and see what ah Ting is hiding from you!" Leng Yichen smiles.

Speaking of him, he was also very curious. Today, he suddenly asked bailuo to call, and he took the initiative to destroy Zhao Yasi.

In addition, his people also received news that a Ting had ordered a brokerage company to terminate its contract with the female star who had just returned home.

It's so abnormal that almost everyone who knows him can't believe that Li shaoting will do it.

"Oh, by the way, speaking of goddess, I just received the news that the company she signed has already offered to terminate the contract. Who has no vision, and even put such a good seedling of the goddess not! "

When ye zixiuyi talked about the goddess, his mind was exposed.

Then he said angrily: "I don't know that guy who doesn't have eyes dares to let the company terminate the contract!"

Leng Yichen suddenly chuckled: "if I said that the guy with no eyes is Li shaoting, the man you admire most, what would you do?"

Hearing this, ye Zixiu was surprised.

He patted himself on the mouth, because both sides were the people he admired most.

But he was still very curious, where did the goddess offend me? Why did he ask the company to terminate the contract with his goddess?

Suddenly, he thought of something. He stood up from the sofa in surprise and exclaimed: "will it be because I always mention her in front of my brother, because I don't work much, and the goddess is hanging in my mouth? I can't stand it. In order to revenge me, I do this to the goddess!"

The more Ye Zixiu thought about it, the more he thought it was possible.

I feel ashamed of the goddess because of this idea.

Sitting Leng Yichen was thundered by his sudden whim.

"It's possible!" Cold also morning frightens a way.

"By the way, even if you think so, maybe it's possible!"

Ye Zixiu felt very guilty and was about to leave the place he had just come to.

"You boy, if a ting wants to punish you, he will fire you and press you back to the United States! Instead of giving you a chance to come here and chat with me! " Leng Yichen's elegant eyebrows are slightly raised, and his handsome face is full of elegance.

With his understanding of a ting for so many years, if he wants to revenge on someone, he won't beat around the bush.

But for women, it's hard to say.

However, Lin Qianxi has never violated a Ting's bottom line. The only explanation is that he is interested in that woman.

Just thinking of this, his elegant eyes suddenly sank

When Gu ruoyi got up, it was more than four o'clock in the afternoon.

Because he didn't eat all day long, Gu ruoyi felt a little weak and his whole body was soft.

She went downstairs, looking for something to eat.

But she opened the refrigerator and there was nothing in it, except the tomatoes and noodles she bought when she moved in that day!