"After a little fire, the ginger was cut into pieces and drank together." Feng sat by the bed with a low voice like a kind of magic, which made people want to listen involuntarily.

Jingdong looked at the steaming cup and asked, "did you cook it?"


This sound seems to come from the nasal cavity. The bass is mellow, and one pronunciation almost makes people drunk.

Jingdong has some waves in his heart. The big devil is willing to do these things for her.

"Why don't people in the kitchen do it?"

"Free." Feng Shi said faintly.

Jingdong glanced at him angrily, and his expression was very vivid, which made the corner of his lips bend when sealing.

Feng Shi doesn't like to say those words that vent his feelings. Sometimes he can't say his feelings, and he is not a person who vent his feelings wantonly.

Like boiling brown sugar water, he came by himself to learn how to take care of Jingdong. If one day they get tired of this busy world, they can find a place with beautiful mountains and rivers to live in seclusion.

What's more, he doesn't want to fake others about Jing Dong.

Looking at Jing Dong sipping brown sugar water, Feng Shi said, "with Mrs. Shanda's recovery, more and more people are paying attention to you now."

Jing Dong paused for a moment. She knew that Feng Shi was talking about the identity of three magic doctors.

Now this identity has not been exposed.

Huang Meiwen got cancer, which has spread widely in the upper circles. After all, it's impossible to hide it completely. It's both a hospital and a scientific research institute. It must have been discovered early.

However, the Sheng family has not announced anything, and this matter has been spread among the upper ladies.

But recently, Huang Meiwen has frequently appeared at banquets, and her looks are getting better and better, even before she gets cancer. Many people feel strange.

This time, Huang Meiwen said frankly that she had cancer before, but now she was cured by three miracle doctors.

As the eldest lady of the Sheng family, when she is the housewife, her words are naturally quite weighty. Sanzhan miracle doctor, a title with a bit of stick color in the circle of dignitaries, suddenly became different.

"What's your plan?" Feng asked.

Jingdong continued to sip, drooped his eyes and thought for a moment, and said, "just continue to treat and save people."

In the past, she did not dare to be exposed casually because she was worried that she would be controlled by some authorities in Parliament M. now in China, she has the ability to protect herself and protect her when she is sealed, so she doesn't care.

It's really like following her heart. If she finds it, she will find it. If she can't find it, she will want to be quiet.

The silver mask is not only to cover up identity, but also a thought.

Because the silver mask is a mother's thing.

It's not the mask to meet Sheng Yichuan, but it was specially made to see Sheng Yichuan again. It means a lot to my mother, but I didn't wear it once.

When Jingdong was distracted, the brown sugar water had already seen the bottom.

At this time, the old housekeeper knocked on the door, stood at the door and said respectfully, "Sir, there is a man looking for Miss Jing outside."

Jingdong is stunned. Someone is looking for her?

This is Fengshi's villa. Who knows she's here and can find her!

Jingdong opens the quilt, washes, wears a home clothes and goes out.

Downstairs, a familiar figure sat in the living room. He seemed curious about it and kept looking around.

Seeing this man, Jing Dong thought of something and suddenly felt a little surprised.