Another gangster was carefully approaching the oil barrel. Suddenly, there was a thumping sound behind him, which startled him. He turned around and almost fired.

What made him uneasy was that there was no one behind him except his twitching companions!

He didn't immediately go forward to check the situation of his companions, but looked around carefully with a gun. If there was no one, he walked slowly.

When he came to him, he saw that his companion's face was blue and purple, as if he couldn't breathe. Before he touched his neck, his companion had stopped twitching and stretched out his limbs.

Once again, it's dead!

The gangster got up in a hurry and looked around anxiously with a gun. It was obviously empty, but he always felt that an invisible hand was pinching his neck.

He opened his mouth and wanted to shout loudly to let the man out, but he found that he couldn't say anything.

Soon, he knew how his companion died. His nose and mouth seemed to be blocked, and no air could be inhaled into his lungs.

His face gradually turned blue, finally turned purple, and finally fell to the ground.

After the gangster died, a man quickly emerged from the abandoned plane. There was a gap in the collapsed cockpit, which could be pulled out a little.

For mercenaries who are big, thick and muscular, I'm afraid I can't imagine a petite girl hiding there.

After eliminating three people, Jing Dong seized three guns and six gangsters in the terminal.

The number decreased by a third, and the pressure suddenly decreased a lot.

She can cooperate with Ke Yu and kill the six people in one fell swoop, but all the passengers are with them, which is easy to hurt innocent people.

Jingdong thought, there should be a group of people who will be lured out, but those who come out again may already know that there are changes outside, so they must be extremely vigilant. What's more, the people inside will hang out on the side, and the chance to start is very small.

Jingdong's eyes flashed slightly and hid immediately.

The gangsters in the terminal soon found that they were wrong. They left three people and none of them came back. Isn't that enough to explain the problem?

"You three go out and have a look."

Three more gangsters left the terminal and walked out, while the other three stood at the door and looked outside.

There are small places here. There is no big glass on the whole surface of the terminal, which is convenient for Jingdong.

The three people walked towards the abandoned plane step by step with a distance between them. I'm afraid only there and another ferry car nearby can hide people, but the oil barrel is there, so it's a priority for everyone to investigate.

The other three men carried guns to the door and looked at the passengers from time to time. Seeing that they were very honest, they continued to stare outside with a grim smile.

Ke Yu in the crowd knew that the young lady had made a move. The three people sent to follow the young lady were confidants. Knowing that the young lady was capable, naturally he would not take her as an ordinary little girl.

It can be said that Jingdong is the king of this group!

Seeing that these people were gone one by one, Ke Yu knew that the opportunity had come.

This group probably felt that they had guns in their hands, or that there were too many passengers and they didn't tie their hands and feet, which greatly facilitated their later action.

However, Ke Yu was worried that if three people went out this time and there were three people at the door, would miss suffer?

Thinking of the girl, Ke Yu had an inexplicable trust. Then, as far as he could see, he saw a familiar figure and his heart relaxed slightly.