Jing Zhishen tells a cruel past in a calm tone.

"Yuan Wen holds 7% of the shares of Ma's company. This is a pledge from Ma Yongsheng."

Jing Yuejun's tears couldn't stop flowing down. Her mother didn't have 0.1% of the shares!

"Later, your mother accidentally found out about it and quarreled with your father."

Jing Yuejun's eyes were filled with hatred. Inadvertently, Yuan Wen deliberately let her mother find out.

She clearly remembers that Yuan Wen was pregnant at that time.

Yuan Wen personally told her that she was less than seven years old at that time!

The purpose of telling her is naturally to let her mother know through her mouth.

Because she still remembers what she asked her mother: isn't it only when you get married that you will have a baby? Why is aunt Wen not married and has a baby?

At that time, the mother's face changed after hearing this sentence. She asked about it carefully, and then the whole person was wrong.

Then her parents quarreled. She didn't understand why she quarreled. At that time, she only thought it was because of aunt Wen.

It turned out that she became Yuan Wen's gun and pushed her mother into the abyss with her own hands!

Jing Yuejun was in a trance and asked word by word, "how did my mother die later?"

Jing Zhishen continued, "in a quarrel between your parents, your mother slapped Yuan Wen and was pushed down by your father."

Jing Yuejun could no longer stand and sat on the ground.

Her eyes were dull, her eyes were listless, her tears fell down like broken pearls, but her face was expressionless.

She didn't doubt Jing Zhishen's words. She would think about many things when she grew up, but she didn't dare to think deeply about some things.

After entering Jing's home at the age of eight, he didn't go to prison to visit his father, and there was no possibility of understanding the truth.

Therefore, it was her father and Yuan Wen who killed her mother. Yuan Wen had long wanted to be superior. Taking advantage of Ma Yongsheng's child, she told her mother through her mouth.

An unmarried woman won't get pregnant for no reason, and the woman is so close to their family that it's easy to be suspicious at the slightest thought.

Suspicion together, the rest is questioning, confirmation, quarrel and so on, all of which are in Yuan Wen's calculation.

She is also one of the people who killed her mother. She is also the accomplice of the dog man and woman!

On the 20th floor, when she came home, she saw her mother with her own eyes. How exciting was this to her?

She doesn't know and can't describe it. She just wakes up from nightmares from time to time.

Is it painful for my father to kill my mother?

Nature is painful.

But the most painful thing for her is that she also participated in this matter. She is also an accomplice in killing her mother!

Every time I think of this, Jing Yuejun can't accept it.

She knelt on the ground, holding her head in her hands, immersed in pain and couldn't extricate herself. She howled silently and hit her head against the ground, as if she could alleviate the evil.

Jing Yuejun completely collapsed.

Looking at Jing Yuejun now, the Jing family's complexion is complex.




But also hateful.

Without the help of warm winter group and the mysterious noble man, Jing Yuejun may have succeeded at the moment. They may not be able to pass the first level.

Who did the king family provoke?

Not to mention that Jingjia did not violate the contract, even if it violated and paid liquidated damages, it is also a normal business behavior.

For Jing Yuejun, they can understand, but they can't forgive.