This feeling is somewhat inexplicable. Jing Dong lowered his eyes and said softly, "it's not spicy."

Fortunately, she thinks she has a thick skin and covers up in time. She should not be seen as embarrassed.

When sealing, he looked straight at the white and delicate face.

The beauty of this moment makes people feel unreal and uneasy, as if it were fleeting.

Jingdong also noticed some hot eyes. He felt something wrong in his heart. He coughed and raised his eyes to his sight.

"Professor Feng doesn't look right today."

Feng didn't look away. "If one day, I'm different from the person you think in your heart, what will you do?"

Jingdong tilted his head. "How different?"

Feng Shi didn't answer. He was silent for a moment and said, "maybe you hate it."

Jingdong doesn't know why Fengshi asked, but he thought about it when he looked serious.

"I can't imagine what I haven't seen. At least I don't hate you now."

Hearing this, Feng smiled, picked up his glass, touched Jingdong gently, and drank it.

Seeing him drink like this, Jing Dong advised: "it's better to drink beer slowly. It's easy to get drunk if you drink too fast."

In fact, he didn't think beer was good to drink at the time of sealing. At best, he just quenched his thirst. He drank it only because Jing Dong suggested it.

"Can you promise me something?" Feng asked.

Jingdong: "you say."

"If one day you hate me, don't leave quietly."

Xiao Yifu's hiding ability is too strong. He is afraid that he will not find her one day.

Jing Dong smiled. "What's the matter with Professor Feng today? Why do you always say some strange things? How can I hate you? Besides, even if I really hate you, one day I tell you I hate you and leave? Are you sure you won't hit me?"

With a joking tone, she guessed in her heart whether closing the house would put pressure on him to do something he didn't want to do.

If he says it, she will help him.

Feng Shi was very persistent about it, "don't you agree?"

Facing the serious eyes, Jingdong had to say, "I promise, but you must promise not to antagonize me, otherwise I can't control beating people."

In fact, when you really get to the annoying step, why tell each other? If you are tired of seeing each other, you will not have any contact again.

However, since she promised him, Jingdong will not go back, but she doesn't think there should be such a day.

Feng Shi is different from Feng's family. She never sees him as Feng's family.

Jingdong thought about it and said, "in fact, we are friends. We can tell our friends that we need to help each other when we don't tell our family about some things."

If the seal is too much for the seal, she will do it naturally.

When she has cooperated with her for so long and withstood so much pressure, she will naturally return.

When sealing, he gave a low smile, which makes people never get tired of hearing.

"There may be some changes over time."

Jingdong glanced at him, "do you need me to do anything?"

"Whatever you want."

Jing Dong really doesn't understand.

The late autumn evening wind blows, with a cold feeling, making people who have already drunk slightly drunk.

After a bottle and a half, Jingdong felt that her reaction was no longer so flexible. She was ready to stop.

"Let's go back." Jingdong got up, but his body shook slightly.

It was more serious than she thought. I was thinking, a tall figure covered her.

"Can you go by yourself?"