When the Jings were talking about it, Jingdong and Fengshi came to the playground.

The playground was full of laughter and screams, and the screams could be heard far away.

Jingdong's impression of the amusement park is very vague. She only remembers that her mother brought her here when she was very young. She doesn't remember what she played or how she felt.

"What are you playing with?" Feng asked.

The mellow and low voice line almost made the girls around him scream.

This man is so handsome, isn't he? The sound is so loud that I'm going to be pregnant once I listen to it!

The sad thing is that the little sister next to the handsome guy is also ugly. Many girls can only know themselves and don't bother, but they obviously don't plan to leave.

In this regard, Jingdong and Fengshi couldn't help looking at each other. When they came out to play, they were surrounded by people. To be honest, they were worried and helpless.

"Let's play the roller coaster," said Jing Dong.

You can't play the merry go round. Although there are many little sisters on the merry go round, she thinks it may be caused by psychological age. She really can't sit up and take pictures like a girl in her teens and twenties.

The two people bought tickets for the fast track. They didn't need to queue up. After waiting for a group, they went up.

Because in the tail of the second group, Jingdong and Fengshi sit in the last row, which is also the most terrible row.

After sitting on the seat, Jingdong and Fengshi put on the rented windproof glasses and buckle them on their ears to ensure firmness.

Hanging on the seat, Jing Dong gently swings his legs, and the front staff are checking the safety protection measures one by one.

The tourists in front are also a couple. The woman is a little excited. She wants to feel excited and afraid, and constantly seeks comfort from her boyfriend.

"I'm so scared. Can you hold my hand?"

"Whining, is it time to go down now? I don't want to sit ~"

"Baby, don't be afraid. I'm here."

When Feng Shi listened to the conversation in front, he glanced at Jing Dong and saw that she had nothing to do. Don't be afraid, she didn't even look nervous.

Their bodies shook and the roller coaster started. Just as it started, they heard the girl's low voice.

The roller coaster came out of the platform and began to climb. When it reached the peak, it stopped. It was obviously a time for tourists to brew their emotions.

When Feng Shi looked at it, he found that Jing Dong was still very relaxed. He didn't even use his hand holding the safety lock.

"Afraid?" he asked.

Jing Dong's side eyes shook his head slightly, "not afraid."

How high is this? In her last life, she would feel a little nervous when she drove an aircraft to a high altitude and then made a desperate dive. Compared with that, now it is nothing.

After a pause at the top, the roller coaster began to move and dive down in an instant.

In an instant, screams were heard one after another.

The roller coaster takes only a few minutes. The end is after the high tide. When the roller coaster returns to the starting point, some girls are even scared to cry, but most of them are recalling the exciting moment just now.

When leaving the platform, there is an official place to sell photos at the entrance. All the records are moments on the roller coaster. You can see that some people have distorted expressions, some people shout and look different.

These are usually difficult to see, so many people will pay for them.

"Are they the two?"

"Yes, it's the two of them, expressionless all the way."

Fengshi and Jingdong were also photographed naturally. It can be seen that compared with others, their state can be described as relaxation.