
The walls of the cave were ablaze with lights.

Nanbao Yi is sitting in a group of brides, holding the hand of the golden silk fan and trembling lightly.

The visitors were dressed in cassock, kind-hearted and white eyebrows.

It's the abbot

The abbot in charge of Wanguo temple, monk Huimin!

Yes, Huimin left Chang'an to travel to southern Xinjiang a year ago, so there was no new bride accident near Chang'an this year.

More than half a month ago, he and his five brothers returned to the Wanguo temple, and the new bride began to have an accident.

Time is the same.

But why did he do it?

Huimin smiles kindly and turns on the lights.

He sat down on the south side of the fire, and he was very sharp

Nanbaoyi gnaws her teeth.

This person is so cunning that she can be found at a glance.

Holding the round fan, she sat slowly across the fire.

She arranged the train of her wedding dress: "why --"

"Miss Nan wants to ask me why I killed so many people With a smile, Huimin picked up a clean iron pot and grilled it on the iron frame of the stove. "When I first saw the South girl, I asked her what was life and what was death."

Nan Baoyi stares at the iron pot.

There are some solidified reddish brown things in the pot. I don't know what it is.

"When I was young, I was a Gu teacher in southern Xinjiang. I spent most of my life wandering around various countries and understanding countless truths, but I could not understand life and death alone. I heard that Buddhism can teach people to meditate, so I became a monk in the middle of my life. I have asked myself thousands of times, does Western Paradise really exist? Does Buddha really exist? If he exists, why doesn't he respond to my nightly prayers and doubts? After death, is it bliss or nihility? "

When the pan is heated, the contents gradually melt and boil.

"Now I'm over sixty years old, and I'm sitting in the Wanguo temple. I'm rich in money and believers. Fame and wealth, I take everything, live a very natural and comfortable life

From the iron pot came the sound of chugging.

The solid was heated thoroughly, and the reddish brown liquid was boiling and smelling of bleeding.

"Miss Nan, if my fame and wealth before my death turn into a pile of loess, what's the meaning of my whole life? I can't understand life and death, and I don't want to understand it now. I long for longevity, for rejuvenation, and I don't want to die. "

Pour the thick liquid into the saucepan.

He exclaimed: "the black prescription of Gu master in southern Xinjiang is a tonic made with the blood of the bride's heart. If you drink it, you will live longer. "

Nanbaoyi frowns.

She stares at the fake monk with disgust.

He drank it all in one gulp, which meant he had licked his lips.

It's not reliable to use the black prescription with his toes. This guy is crazy if he wants to live a long life!

Huimin put down the cup and seemed very interested: "at the beginning, the founding queen of Dayong once exhausted the blood of the royal family and made emperor Yongwu come back from the dead. If you want to come to the royal family of the Xiao family, their blood is very special, and I don't know whether it can prolong their life.

"When I was traveling in southern Xinjiang, I happened to meet the imperial concubine of the Xiao family. Among them, there is a maid named XiuXiu, who is a troublemaker who has repeatedly estranged the feelings between the imperial concubine and your fifth brother. Your fifth brother thinks that she has a bad intention and secretly forces her to leave.

"She was so vicious that she secretly drugged her and deliberately left a letter accusing her of treating her badly. She left on her own and deliberately led her to the refugee camp.

"What a pity, Xiao's little concubine lost her martial arts at that moment and was severely abused by the refugees until she lost her life miserably. When your fifth brother finally found her, she was covered with blood and lay in the soil without dignity. Half of her beautiful face was eaten, like rotten apples

Nanbaoyi looks pale.

Holding the golden silk fan's hand, I couldn't stop shaking.

Madame durian's fantasy can make people face the deepest fear.

It turns out that the person in Diji's dream is not XiuXiu, but herself?

Maybe the stove is too hot, and Nanbao's clothes are covered with sweat.

She stares at Huimin: "people can't come back from the dead. If Di Ji dies, who is Xiao Qingyang now

"It's impossible to bring the dead back to life?" Huimin clapped her hands and laughed, "don't you bring yourself back to life? At that time, your fifth brother was so desperate that he held the body of his concubine and begged for help everywhere. How could he have the spirit of a young Ranger? Finally, he asked for my head.

"I told him that there is a certain number of people's life and death. If there is a life, someone must die. If he is willing to give his heart to Diji, then I can use magic and rune to try to save Diji. And he did

Nan Baoyi's mind "hum" to a tremor.

She clearly remembered the deep scar in front of her heart when Diji was giving medicine to her five brothers that day.

"Why do you think your fifth brother wants to become a monk?" Huimin laughed, "he has no heart, only rely on the insects in the body operation, he does not live long! Since he doesn't live long, he should be an unfilial son and a lover called Nanjia or Diji. He is completely disappointed with him. It will not be sad for him when he diesNanbao Yi shivers all over.

She held the handle of the fan tightly, and the blue veins on the back of her white hands burst out, and even the belly of her fingers was pale.

Big big tears, rolling down the cheek.

Dye the wedding dress in crimson.

She raised her scarlet eyes and asked, "why doesn't Diji remember the past?"

"The most tragic past, of course, needs to be deliberately forgotten. Subconsciously, she grafted her own experience into XiuXiu's body. Of course, under the Revenge of your fifth brother, XiuXiu's final fate is more miserable than that of the imperial concubine - ah, these are not the key points! "

Huimin said: "I saved xiaojiadiji, and took her blood for research when she was unconscious. Unfortunately, affected by the heart of Nan Chengyi, her blood is no longer special. I really can't, so I have to go back to the Wanguo temple again and wait for another royal family of Xiao family. "

See the moon through the clouds.

A series of causes and effects are clear in front of nanbaoyi.

It turns out that Huimin's goal tonight is her second brother.

She threw herself into the net and became a bait to lure her second brother.

She tried to swallow her tears and shook the fan calmly: "I'm afraid I'll let you down. You should have heard that I can't bear children, and King Yong and I are no longer husband and wife. He doesn't love me. Even if you kill me, he won't show up. "

Huimin was kind and gentle: "Miss Nan, you are really too self belittling. How can he not love you? It was still early, and he was probably still on his way. I will do a good deed to show you the past of the netherworld. "

He took a bright red poisonous insect and threw it into the stove at will.

The old man sighed, "the old man sighed:" he took the ashes of bones and the flowers of tea blossoms, asked the spring, summer, autumn and winter to borrow thirty-six kinds of flower spirits, and begged for half a wisp of soul from the moonlight. After ninety-one procedures, it was only one in the world. It was very valuable. "

The flames sprang up.

Nanbaoyi glanced over the images before her eyes and vaguely returned to the Shengjing palace.

She curled up in the depths of the ice cellar, her eyebrows overturned by frost and snow.

Someone came tumbling through the door.

I have something to do today. I only wrote two chapters about it. I just want to ask for a monthly ticket for a new month , the fastest update of the webnovel!