The two sisters agreed.

The next day, nanbaoyi, borrowing the name of helping Aunt Li borrow the oil pot, secretly runs to the family to inquire about the time when they go to Chang'an.

The family is a middle-aged couple surnamed Zhang with three children.

Mrs. Zhang took nanbaoyi's hand and looked warily outside the courtyard. She reminded her kindly, "tomorrow morning, we will wait for you in the grove at the entrance of the East Village.

"Little lady, don't blame the elder sister for not reminding you. The family surnamed Li is very aggressive. She bought a daughter-in-law for her silly son before, and she was killed alive within two days Today's laws and regulations, the fool committed a crime, and was convicted of innocence, so no one can do anything to their family. Unfortunately, that gorgeous girl. You are right to run away, but be careful not to let the family find out. "

Nanbaoyi thanks her.

Holding the oil pot back to the courtyard of the Li family, she told Nanyan what Madame Zhang said.

Nanyan is sitting on a small bench in the house, smoothing up her skirt and applying medicine to her knee.

Hearing this, she raised her eyes: "this village is far away in the mountains and forests. If we miss the ox cart of Mrs. Zhang's family, we don't know when we can escape. Sister, we must seize the only chance. "

Nanbaoyi is cautious and serious: "I listen to my sister."

Seeing that she was clever, Nan Yan couldn't help reaching out and touching the scar on her face. Her eyes were slightly red: "from now on, my sister will protect you..."

But the actions of the Li family were faster than they imagined.

It's night.

Nanbao Yi and Nan Yan sat on the couch and carefully agreed on the details of their escape at dawn tomorrow. Suddenly, Aunt Li came in with a red skirt in her hand.

She said with a smile, "I'm so happy that you two recovered so quickly. This red Luo skirt was worn by my aunt when she got married more than 40 years ago. It's valuable. Give it to your sisters, will you

Nanbao Yi looks out.

The red dress was worn and black, and there were mottled greasy stains on the cuffs and necklines.

It's dirty to give her a foot cloth.

It's just

The girl's Danfeng eyes across the dark.

Aunt Li specially stressed that "they were to be dressed when they got married". It was obvious that she was impatient and eager to promote the marriage between them and the fool!

She glanced to the south.

Nanyan weak Liu Fu Feng like bed, gentle and generous line of a blessing body ceremony, Jiao said: "thank you for your beauty, this red Luo skirt is exquisite in workmanship, this thread, this embroidery pattern, is really wonderful!"

She was holding a red Luo skirt, as if she had never seen such a good thing.

You've just married your cousin Huang Li. If you are pregnant this month, you will be able to have two big fat boys by the beginning of next spring. Your sisters will put more efforts into it. You will have four children in three years and six in five years. How lively it will be

Nanbao Yi rolled his eyes.

Why do you have so many grandchildren? Do you want to inherit the throne in your family?

"But our sisters are not ready, and we don't have any feelings with my cousin. Please forgive me for some time..."

"What kind of feelings do you want for a bridal chamber?" Aunt Li was not happy. She realized that her tone was too fierce. She even said, "when you become a family, will you have feelings? This is how we women come. When you have another baby, will you live a happy life? You see, my aunt has married a son, and now she has a good life! "

Nanbaoyi glanced at her.

She was dressed in rags and rags. From 360 days of the year, she was greedy to do farm work, and had to serve old men and silly sons.

Is this a good day?

Don't harm her and her sister!

She thought of what Zhang Niang Zi had said. She was afraid that Aunt Li had touched human life in her hand and did not want to offend her. Therefore, she said, "Aunt Li, you can do what you want."

Anyway, my sister has rat poison.

Aunt Li smiles with satisfaction.

She called her silly son in and told him, "Zhuang'er, you'll stay in this room tonight, and you'll stay here in the future, remember? These two sisters are your mother-in-law and will give birth to you in the future. "

The silly man nodded in a muddle.

Aunt Li gave a narrow smile, twisted her waist and left the house with pride.

Nanbaoyi heard the sound of the padlock.

She and Nan Yan looked at each other.

The house was locked from the outside, so they had to turn the window to escape.

But the most important thing is how to deal with this fool.

The silly man didn't get close to the two girls. He just sat on the bench and peeled the wild fruit.

"Have you ever married a daughter-in-law?"

The silly man had never been talked to by the girl's family. He nodded shyly and said, "I have married two girls. My mother cheated me in from outside the mountain. They read books, restless, refused to give birth to children, but always want to run away, my mother let me hit them. I was so strong that I broke their legs accidentally. My mother said that she didn't have money to see them and waste food, so she told me to strangle them and throw them into the mountains to feed wild dogs! "Nanbaoyi is frightened.

This family, really cruel!

She stares at the silly man, who is absorbed in eating fruit as if human life were nothing to him.

Xu was tired of farming in the daytime. After eating the wild fruit, the fool didn't do anything to them. He gradually lay down on the bench and died.

Snore like thunder.

"Tie him up," said Nanbao

Nan Yan nodded.

Farm cottage, the most important thing is a variety of farm tools.

Nan Yan took two thick hemp ropes and tied him to the bench with a dead knot.

This night, Nan Bao Yi and Nan Yan hardly closed their eyes.

They held hands tightly, keeping a watchful eye on the man tied to the bench.

Till dawn.

In the East, fish belly white finally emerged.

Nanyan rubbed his red apricot eyes, pushed open the wooden window, turned it over, and handed it in: "sister!"

Nan Baoyi stares at the fool and says, "sister, let's meet in the woods. I have something else to do."

Nanyan Leng Leng Leng, think of their own things, so nodded to agree.

Nanbaoyi went to the corner and picked up the big hammer.

Somehow, there was a pile of sickles, saws and other things in the room, but she looked at the hammer best.

Maybe when she was a top expert, her most handy weapon was the big hammer.

The hammer was dark and heavy, and it was very difficult for her to drag it.

Dragging the hammer to the fool, he is still sleeping.

Nanbaoyi stood for a moment, swung his hammer and smashed it into his head!

Blood splashes!

She indifferently wiped the blood splashed on her cheek.

According to the law of today, a fool who commits a crime can be found innocent.

Laws protect fools, so, who will protect innocent girls? , the fastest update of the webnovel!