Big betrothal gifts

King Jing's eyebrows beat hard.

He said in a deep voice: "you are the king's child. I hope you will marry a noble girl, not a mere merchant girl. Ask yourself, in addition to money, what can nanbaoyi bring you? Official contacts? Background background? None of them! Boy, this is a backstage world. If you want to walk alone, you can't be naive! "

Xiao Yi was eating golden silk dates.

Eyelashes cast shadows under the eyelids, like a black folding fan, which is extremely cool and thin.

He is not king Jing's child.

It's just, if the child is still in the world, he will probably be manipulated like this, right?

From being born to marrying and having children, he was manipulated for half a life like a puppet.

A graceful and elegant figure appeared in my mind.

The woman, who had just been born, threw him to Nanyue and ordered him to find the Tianshu token from the south family, and ordered him to control the central power of Nanyue. Why is it not a kind of manipulation?

He threw away the jujube stone.

He raised his eyes and glanced at King Jing. He said in a lazy voice, "did the emperor want to fight against the emperor's marriage?"

"You --"

King Jing was more angry.

He shook his head and swore: "well, your wings are hard. I can't control you! Don't you want a bride price? I will arrange the betrothal gift. I will send him to nanshilang's house tomorrow to make an appointment for Qingyun. As for you, you don't want to let Prince Jing's house pay half a liang of silver to be employed. Don't think about it! "

When the roar is over, he leaves.

Xiao Yi ate honey dates carelessly and sneered: "the old man's temper is quite stubborn."

He was just talking about it. He had been ready for betrothal gifts.

For nanjiaojiao's noodles, it's natural to be grand and grand.

And the palace of King Jing can't afford it.

After the Shangyuan Festival, the wind blowing through the capital gradually brought warmth.

But overnight, the plants and plants in Nanfu garden sprouted, and peach blossom branches were covered with thick flower buds. The maids were laughing and gambling in the red lacquer corridor to bet on when the first peach blossom would bloom.

Nanbaoyi and nanbaozhu kneel side by side under the eaves.

In front of him was a large table, on which were placed baskets of needlework and embroidery. All kinds of fabrics were exquisite and beautiful, and they were dragged to the wooden floor under the corridor like clouds.

A middle-aged woman in a bun, thin and serious, kneels down in front of her.

She is one of the best embroiderers in Nanjia embroidery village.

Because nanbaoyi wanted to learn embroidery, the old lady invited her to the mansion to teach her how to embroider and sew clothes. By the way, nanbaozhu was crammed in to study, so that she could have a certain skill when talking about marriage in the future.

While demonstrating embroidery, Gu Niangzi explained: "since ancient times, many kinds of needling techniques have been handed down, such as straight embroidery, carving embroidery, plate stitching, flat stitching, scattered stitching, etc. The two young ladies learned embroidery to get married. I'll teach you long and short stitches today. This is one of the main needling techniques of Suzhou embroidery. It is suitable for embroidering figures, trees, stones, calligraphy, flowers and birds

Nanbaoyi listened with sincerity.

She was about to drop the needle when nanbaozhu suddenly pointed to a nearby place and said excitedly, "Jiaojiao, look, there is a bird on the treetop who is not afraid of human beings. Its belly is red and its feathers are like satin."


Mrs. Gu coughed solemnly.

Nanbaozhu returned to her senses and reluctantly picked up the embroidery.

Mrs. Gu asked, "Miss Nansi, what did I just say?"

"You just said, what bird..." Nanbaozhu's eyes were bright. "Miss Gu is hungry. Do you want to drink pigeon soup? Shall I ask the kitchenette to make you a pot of stew

With these words, he left the embroidered stretch and wanted to run.

"Stop!" Gu Niangzi scolded coldly, "if you don't listen attentively, you'll think of pigeon soup. Nansi girl, today's world is thin for beauty, you should eat less! "

Nanbaozhu grabs Ru skirt and turns around wrongly. She kneels down again.

Gu Niangzi dropped the first needle, "let's start from simple learning, first embroider a stone."

Nanbao Yi blinked, "Miss Gu, I want to learn to embroider mandarin ducks. Can we not embroider stones?"

After thinking for a while, Mrs. Gu said, "practice embroidering a feather first."

"I just want to learn to embroider mandarin ducks, not feathers."

Gu Niang Zi's mouth corner, cannot help but twitch.

These little sisters, too difficult to teach?

One doesn't want to learn anything, the other just wants to ascend the sky step by step.

She's too hard

Mrs. Gu pondered over how to tell nanbaoyi what haste is, but not speed. Suddenly nanbaozhu hugged her stomach and rolled all over the corridor.

She yelled: "stomachache, stomachache! Miss Gu, I want to go to the west room! "

Mrs. Gu looks even worse.

She said in a deep voice: "Nansi girl, since I stepped here, you have run to the west room three times. As a lady in a big family, going in and out of the west room so diligently will have a bad impact on our reputation. ""Can't a lady be courteous?" Nan Baozhu retorted, "when the emperor still has a headache, how can a lady in a big family not have diarrhea?! Do you have to watch me pull on my skirt to keep my reputation

Mrs. Gu was speechless.

With her black face, she had to allow Nan Baozhu to go to the west chamber.

Nanbaozhu ran away and hid behind the peach blossom tree. He made a gesture to take care of nanbaoyi.

Nanbao Yi bit his lips and snickered.

Little cousin is used to being lax. If she is confined here to learn embroidery, she will be killed.

"Well," Mrs. Gu faced Nan Baoyi. "I'm going to teach five girls how to embroider feathers -"

"embroidering mandarin ducks."

Nanbaoyi protested in a small voice.

Gu Niangzi:

Well, embroider mandarin duck, embroider mandarin duck.

She drew a picture of mandarin ducks on the embroidered cloth. "A great master of embroidery must also be an excellent painter. When the five girls are free, they can go to the garden to have a look at the mandarin ducks and observe their movements. In this way, the embroidered mandarin ducks will be more vivid. "

Nanbaoyi thought about it.

There are no mandarin ducks in her garden, only a group of fighting chickens.

Her father brought it from Jinguan city. It is said that a group of them died because of acclimatization, and the rest half laid eggs crazily. Nowadays, those female cockfighting cocks often lead a large group of small cockfighting chicks, and walk in the back garden with their heads held high, and those who are close to peck the others will be killed.

However, cockfighting and mandarin ducks are both birds, so it must be the same to observe cockfighting.

She nodded. "I wrote it down."

Mrs. Gu began to drop needles.

Nanbao clothes follow the needle.

Mrs. Gu explained it very carefully, almost one by one.

Nanbaoyi felt that she understood.

She pulled the sleeve and dropped the needle, and she was as reserved as a lady.

As an hour passed, Mrs. Gu looked at the patterns on the embroidered cloth of Nanbao clothes and fell into meditation.

Obviously, it's one-on-one teaching, but it's just a matter of hands. How can the South five girls embroider something so strange? , the fastest update of the webnovel!