Lin Shen looked at Bai Jingting standing in front of him. He didn't have any impulse. He just opened his mouth and explained his intention

"Let me see her. I won't do anything. I just want to talk to her."

"Do you want a mirror to see yourself at this time? Do you believe what you say?"

Lin Shen didn't speak. Maybe he knew how bad he was at this time. Maybe he shouldn't come. Maybe his presence here made everyone uncomfortable. So he kept silent for a few seconds and wanted to leave. He couldn't rush. If the wedding would go smoothly, then he shouldn't be imperfect.

But when she left, Lin Jian suddenly came down from the upstairs and held his hand in front of Lin Shenshi

"Dad, I asked mom. She told you to go up."

Lin Shen looks at Lin Jian and looks at Bai Jingting with a smile

"Uncle, my mother told my father to go up."

Bai Jingting smiles and pinches Lin Jian's face. Without saying anything, he turns to be busy.

When the forest is deep, we can go up.

Maybe it's to see him. In short, there is no one in the room. She is sitting in front of the dresser with a white wedding dress on the bed. It's not until this time that Lin Shenshi realizes that although there is a marriage between herself and Jane, she hasn't seen her dress for herself.

The sound at the door made him turn around. When he saw Lin Shen, he appeared at the door and laughed. He said to Lin Jian beside him:

"Go out and play for a while."

Lin Jian laughed and turned to go out. When she wanted to bring the door, she was stopped in short: "don't close the door."

Lin Jian nodded, didn't close the door, turned and left.

Lin Shen stepped over and asked him to sit down on the sofa with a smile. But Lin Shen didn't come over and knelt down in front of him. In short, the smile on his face gradually faded.

"I know you won't be happy if I do that." Lin Shen said: "I want to bear it, but I can't bear it."

In short, it's quiet and silent.

"In short." Lin Shenshi's hand moved forward and tried to hold the hand in short. In short, it didn't retreat. But when Lin Shenshi's hand was about one centimeter away from the hand in short, he stopped. In the end, he held back and didn't touch it. He just laughed. In short, the smile was too bitter.

"I never thought I would like you so much." Lin Shen said with a smile: "I will like that you are already with others. You have to decide to marry others. Even on the wedding day, you make a move similar to robbing a bride. It's too stupid and retarded. I also want to keep my demeanor. But as long as I think of today, maybe I can't even dream about you. I'm not controlled."

"More than a year, watching you smile, watching you happy, I am very painful, I can't sleep, I am sad about crazy, but I still want to smile in front of you, I'm afraid you look down on me, more afraid you pity me, but now I beg you, please pity me, OK?"

In short, I didn't speak, I just looked at him.

"Don't get married." Lin Shen's eyes were red and his whole body was tight. He just looked at her and begged her: "don't get married, don't get married..."