In short, I've never been a dodger.

So knowing that he couldn't escape, he had to promise. After a few seconds of silence, he nodded his head: "there's a coffee shop upstairs. Let's go somewhere."

Lin Shen didn't expect that he would agree in short. He was surprised for a moment, and then his face was covered with surprise. He nodded almost excitedly

"All right, listen to you."

Looking at such a Lin Shen, in short, there is only one feeling: This is not the Lin Shen Shi she knew.

When she met Lin Shen, she didn't show her true face at first, but when she cheated herself, she was humorous and gentle. Later, the truth revealed that he was cruel and cruel, which one was the most real Lin Shen, but now the person standing in front of her was not.

Lin Shenshi would not be so cautious.

They took the elevator to the top floor and chose a window seat to overlook the night scene of Bern.

In short, she asked for a cup of black coffee without sugar or milk. Lin Shen was stunned when he heard about it, because he still remembers the taste of it. She is a little girl who likes sweet food. Like most little girls, she can't touch anything bitter. When I need to take medicine when I get sick, I will make myself coax to eat it.

But now the little girl who once couldn't eat any bitterness has grown up. How bitter does she have to be to drink the black coffee that she couldn't even look at.

But from a simple point of view, it seems that black coffee on the back of the chair is not enough.

Lin Shen asked for the same coffee as in short. In short, he didn't say anything. He quietly leaned back in his chair and looked at the night scene outside the window. His expression drifted away and he didn't know what he was thinking.


When Lin Shen just started, she was interrupted in short. She looked back at Lin Shen and said, "Mr. Lin, you'd better call me in short. We're not so close."

They have done the most intimate things between them, but now they are close to each other. Although Lin Shenshi felt pain, he still cooperated with them. In short:

"Well, in a word."

It's not that in short, it's a little closer than in short, but it's a little more alienated than the people who call her squeaky. In short, it doesn't correct Lin Shen any more. When Lin Shen is waiting for him quietly.

"I haven't had a chance to talk to you since it happened. I owe you an apology and an apology."

In short, when looking at Lin Shen, his expression is calm and he doesn't speak. It seems that Lin Shen's words are not for himself.

Lin Shenshi didn't care that he didn't respond in short. For him, it was an unexpected surprise that he could sit here and listen to what he said. He really shouldn't ask for more.

"I know that the things I have done can not be offset by an apology. But I still want to say, I'm sorry. When I didn't find out the truth, I identified you as the murderer. In my wrong cognition, I hurt you, your family, your marriage and love, and I separated you from your children for a long time, Also because my relationship is hated by my own shallow, I made a mistake, I don't ask your forgiveness, I just... "

"Just what?" In short, he interrupted Lin Shen's words: "are you saying these words to apologize to me, or just to make yourself feel better? Less guilt in your heart? "