"Remarriage?" Xu Xu never thought that there would be such a development between Lin Shenshi and Xu Xu.

Although I don't know the emotional entanglement between the two people, it's true and irreversible that Lin Shen let the Jane family die. How much love does it need to care? But even if they don't care, can they really have no problem with each other?

Maybe it can, but Xu Xu can't, so some can't understand it.

"Why?" Xu Xu asked: "I can see that you don't have any friendship with each other, but those injuries are not deceitful. Can you really accept them?"

Xu Xu is not persuading Jianzhi not to do so. She just wants to know what Jianzhi thinks. Don't be impulsive and regret later. Although Jianzhi she knows is never impulsive.

In short, he shakes his head and laughs at himself

"Xu Xu, I have no other way."

In short, the helplessness has been written on the face, Xu Xu silent for a few seconds, but also reflected, slightly sighed: "is it for shallow?"

"Well." In short, light should be a: "shallow has been hospitalized twice, the body injury is more and more serious, I'm really afraid, I don't know whether there will be next time, I don't know next time I can see her like this, still have the opportunity to accompany her."

Xu Xu also leans against the window and looks at it

"I've known you for a long time, and I've never heard you mention this child in front of me. I thought you didn't care about her very much. Although you were born, your feelings were cultivated day after tomorrow. I didn't mean you were cold-blooded. I just felt that there were so many gaps between you and Lin Shen Shi, There may not be so much affection for this child. "

Xu Xu smile: "it seems that I think wrong."

"I just dare not mention it." In short, he smiles: "what if I mention it? I can't recognize her, I can't accompany her, so I pretend I don't want to

From a spectator's point of view, Xu Xu can't persuade a mother not to recognize her daughter, but from a friend's point of view, Xu Xu is afraid that she will be wronged in short, and once she decides to do it, the grievance will accompany her for a long time.

As long as Xu Xu thinks about this, he will feel very sad. He can't help but move to her side and open his arms to embrace her

"Zhizhi, you will be happy. You will be very happy."

In short, tap her face:

"I know, I will."

Although that's what she said, she didn't feel that way in short. Maybe returning to Lin Qianqian's side made her feel happy, but that's all. How depressed and unfettered her life is, she has psychological expectations, but even if she knows, she can't help doing it.

Xu Xu was silent in his arms for a long time before he spoke softly

"What about Jiang and other people?"

In short, I was stunned and didn't speak.

"Jiang and don't chase you for such a long time. I know you won't accept him, but after all, you have become good friends. Should you tell him about your remarriage with Lin Shen?" Xu Xu looked up from his arms and said, "I think he will be very sad."

In short, I was silent and didn't know what I was thinking.

Xu Xu did not speak any more. She knew that for anything, in short, she had her own consideration.


Once the decision is made, in short, it will not be delayed, because it is urgent to waste time and there will be no change in the result. It's better to make an early decision and go back to Lin Qianqian's side early.

In short, he called Jiang YuBie the next day. Jiang YuBie was still working overtime in the company. Seeing the caller ID on his mobile phone, he couldn't help laughing and answering the phone

"Miss me?"

"Where are you?" In short.

Perhaps in short, the tone was a little serious, which made Jiang Yu stop his work immediately: "is something wrong? Do you need my help? Where are you? "

Jiang and other people's concern made it heavy as never before. For a few seconds, it didn't make any sound.

But in short, the silence made Jiang and BIE nervous. He immediately got up from his seat

"I'll come to you now."

"No In short, he said, "let's have dinner together."

In short, he never took the initiative to ask Jiang and BIE to have a meal, and his tone was unprecedented heavy. Combined with what happened in the last two days, Jiang and BIE understood the purpose of the meal almost immediately. His heart felt like a mountain was crushed, and he even felt pain when he gasped

"I won't go, and I won't agree."

In short, smile on the phone

"Jiang and farewell, I haven't said anything yet."

"I won't agree with that." Jiang Yu's tone was very serious: "in short, let me give you up. I can't do it. Don't you just want to accompany your children? How about I help you grab the baby? I don't care if she is Lin Shenshi's daughter. As long as it's yours, I can treat her as my own child. You don't have to worry about my parents. They will accept it. They... "

"River and farewell." In short, interrupt his chatter: "I'm sorry."

Jiang and don't keep silent on the end of the phone.

"Originally, I wanted to have a good talk with you and say my decision calmly, but now that you know, I still don't want to meet you. I don't know how to face you." In short, he said softly, "thank you for your love. I'm very happy."

Jiang Yu and BIE just heard what Yan was about to say, but the phone had been hung up. Jiang Yu and BIE scolded at the hung up phone, immediately picked up his coat and went out. The assistant was stunned, but at this time, he still had to remind us:

"President Jiang, the meeting will be held soon. At this time..."

"Have a meeting of bullshit." Jiang and others did not look back: "Laozi's wife is going to run away!"

By the time he said this, Jiang and the others had disappeared behind the door.

Jiang and others rush to the hospital where Lin Qianqian is, and their anger makes everyone around them give up. When they get on the elevator, no one dares to take the same class with him. Jiang and others don't care what others think of them, so they close the door and go all the way to the top floor.

Lin Shenshi is watching Aisha with Lin Qianqian. When the door of the ward is pushed open, both of them subconsciously look in the past. Lin Qianqian is afraid of the fierce uncle at the door and subconsciously seeks Lin Shenshi's protection.

Lin Shen holds Lin Qianqian in his arms and frowns at Jiang and BIE at the door. Before Lin Shen can say anything, Jiang and BIE have changed their faces and smile at Lin Qian

"Shallow is not afraid. Uncle Jiang is just joking with your father."

Lin Shenshi: "I'm not sure."