The steaming home cooked dishes are bright and fragrant.

Because the ingredients are prepared by others and are commonly used, we have to make some simple home dishes.

Jiang picked up something she was good at, steamed a clam egg soup, stewed a small row of corn, scrambled eggs with tomatoes, cowpeas with meat foam, fried small yellow croaker, hot and sour shredded potatoes.

As she put the plates on the table, she pulled out two pairs of wooden chopsticks and specially used the lovely children's tableware for Youzhi.

When the box was ready, Jin Zuo took a bath, dressed in full-length home clothes, pulled a cotton tow, and walked down from the second floor.

Smelling the delicious food in the dining room, he inadvertently slipped his Adam's apple, and his expression was still light. But Jiang Fu knew that he was rushing to resist, and even felt that he was in a hurry to make up for it on the plane. What chance did he have to have a good meal?

In the base, it's about the worst compressed biscuits, which can barely save energy.

"I'm going to have dinner. You'd better have some soup to warm your stomach."

With a calm smile, Jiang opened the dining chair and stool for Jin Zuo, and then went straight to eat.

Although the commander building is an old building, it is well decorated, and its home appliances are all up-to-date and easy to use.

Let's say that the cookers in the kitchen are all the same kind of rice, but the fragrance of the cooked rice is very clear, and the paste has a delicious luster.

He filled two big bowls and half a bowl for Youzhi. He took them to the table with two hands.


With a gallant wave of her hand, she announced the beginning of the meal.

You can't wait to bear it for a long time. I don't know if it's psychological effect. He always thinks that the food cooked by the chef in the canteen is far less delicious than that cooked by Jana.

You don't have to taste it. Just by seeing and smelling, you can feel the fragrance.

Try to wave a spoon to pick up rice. He is not familiar with chopsticks. It's convenient to eat with a spoon, but some dishes are not easy to scoop. He loves hot and sour shredded potatoes very much, but he can scoop them with great effort, and he may not be able to get some back to eat them. If he has something to do, he will scatter most of them on the table, making a mess in front of him.

A little annoyed, he scooped a big mouthful of rice into his mouth and chewed it with his cheeks bulging.

Jiang Fu looked funny on the side, quickly put some chopsticks of shredded potatoes into his bowl, and added a piece of spareribs: "eat slowly, don't choke."

"Well How rough... "

You zhi always gives Jiang Wu a thumbs up and praises her heartily while he is happy to pick up the rice.

his craftsmanship is recognized by the most important people, and this kind of praise is the pride of the chef.

Looking at Jin Zuo, who was silent and eating slowly, Jiang Fu was also complacent and couldn't stop smiling.

She knew: Although this guy didn't say it, he must have a good taste according to his fastidious character ~

if he wasn't eating, she would have to sing a little song.


More than ten hours ago, she and Jin Zuo were still living and dying. I don't know if they can survive this robbery.

Now she is enjoying the warmth of her family and eating delicious food made by her own hands. This kind of experience from the rest of her life really makes her heart full of five flavors and treasure her little happiness.

Hot soup before meals, fruit after meals.

Seeing that their father and son were both full, little pomelo's belly was round and spread out on the chair, burping. Jiang Wu stood up and went to the kitchen to bring out the fruit plate that had been prepared for a long time.

With a small bamboo stick, he inserted a small watermelon and handed it to Youzhi, saying: "the watermelon is cool. It only tastes so good. It's slow and greasy, so you can't eat more ~"

Youzhi patted his stomach with a look of regret, which means that he can't eat even if he wants to eat it.

Suddenly thinking of something, you zhi twisted his face and asked Jin Zuo:

"Daddy, recently the game can't go up. Everyone says it's to maintain bugs. When can it be better?"

His problems, like sharp spears, pierced the current bubble of warmth, which Jin Zuo had to face. After this choice, he had to pay the price.

Maybe this is the end of the new alliance