After the temporary end of the anxious confrontation in the room, the people left at the door also thought of the way to open the door.

Working together inside and outside, we finally pried the heavy door and rescued everyone trapped inside.

The access control is destroyed, the alarm of the base goes off, I don't know how long the enemy will arrive at this floor.

Whether it's chip people or live armed guards, they don't want to face big trouble.

Jin Zuo took off the ring on Dr. Jin's finger and motioned to ah Jin to carry the man away.

Because he doesn't confirm whether Jin Zhongnan is telling the truth. If there is only one consciousness chip left in the world, no matter where it is hidden in the body, he will find it out and destroy it.

A Jin quickly executed the order, and fat two people, one carrying one, walked at the back of the team.

Everyone retreated to the entrance of the pipe.

Gasping for breath, Jiang Fu looked around. The central control room just now was the end of the base on this floor.

So where is the master chip installed?

"To control so many people and create such a strong magnetic field, the master chip must be in the base, but I don't know where it is hidden. Except for the central control room just now, there seems to be no room for such a large machine!"

She expressed her doubts and was anxious.

I saw that the enemy was about to kill me, but now I ran away in a hurry. It was a vain trip.

Next time you come in quietly like this, I'm afraid it will be more difficult, so you must take this opportunity to find the master chip, close the concealment mechanism, and destroy the transformation laboratory!

Qin Zhan took the gun in a Jin's hand, put on the cartridge clip again, opened the insurance, and said calmly:

"you go first, I'll find it."

"Where are you going to find it?"

Jiang Wu immediately grabbed him.

It's not easy for everyone to get out of the central control room. No one can be left alone.

Qin Zhan looked back at Jiang Fu, his eyes softened a little, and said in a soft voice:

"don't worry about me. Compared with ah Jin, at least I won't really die. My body is with you. You hurry to leave here and go to the RV to meet me. If I have a threat, I will ask for help immediately. You force me to turn off the instrument egg, so I can come back."

It sounds like a panacea, but Jiang Wu is calm and clear.

"Don't try to deceive me - we were in the corridor just now. If this trick worked, we would have left long ago! If the magnetic field is not removed, we can never go back like that. We have to leave here first! "

"Someone has to go. Don't argue. Let's go."

Qin Zhan first pushed the fat man and a Jin into the entrance, and then said to Jin Zuo:

"since you have made the decision to be with her, let me take the risk."

Jin Zuo was also very embarrassed, his face was heavy, and his brain was spinning rapidly.

It's not that he won't let Qin Zhan take risks. If he only takes risks, he won't stop him. Because he is also a lock team, he has full confidence in his team members. He believes that his ability is enough to deal with danger and successfully complete the task.

But the risk of this kind of thing, we need him to control.

If he can't even pass the pass in his heart, it's not a risk, but a death, then he can't let Qin Zhan go!

"Wait a minute, let me think again --"

Where will the master chip be and where will Jin Zhongnan put it

Looking at Jin Zuo also lost in thought, Jiang Fu's thoughts were confused, and ten thousand possibilities flashed through her mind.

There is no clue, dead horse as a live horse doctor, she came up with a way to think about the problem: to find different points.

This is a common computer games.

Two pictures, looking for different places, in order to exercise their eyesight and discrimination.

Originally, it was for better professional competition, but now it is used to find the master chip.

With her eyes closed, she thought about everything that had happened since she entered the base and tried something unusual.

In a reasonable place, strange things are what she is looking for.

And vice versa, a strange place everywhere, that is not strange things, on the contrary, she wanted!

All the way down from the base elevator, there are strange ray combinations everywhere, sketching out the surrounding illusory environment. After entering the alloy door, she seems to return to reality, and the things and scenes around her return to reality.

It's the alloy door

Become vague and illusory?

Thinking of this, she suddenly opened her eyes!

That door is the dividing line between reality and illusion. Isn't its source of power the powerful magnetic force given by the master chip?

If the master chip must be in the base, it is likely to be on that door!