As soon as the voice fell, Jin Zhongnan disappeared into the void plane, forgetting to confirm the instruction.

Equal to say, is this phone call, saved their lives.

"My God, blessed by the Bodhisattva, which immortal is protecting me? Jiang que Rong is too awesome at the moment. "

The fat man was almost in tears, could avoid a head-on blow, rolled to the side of the team.

After wiping the sweat on his face, he said to the thin monkey:

"I can't stand it any more. Your armor is OK. Go to the top for a while and let me fight again!"

The thin monkey didn't want to. He took a look at Cui Renyao, motioned to give the man's safety to the fat man, opened the golden bell shield, touched his eyes and rushed to the front.

A dragon wags its tail and kicks three or five chip people back into Qin Zhan's attack range!

Then Qin Zhan opened the holy gun baptism, the enemy fell to the ground one after another, the crisis lifted more than half.

Although Jin Zhongnan didn't have time to issue the order of "fight to the death", the order to prevent them from escaping was still there.

So the chip people are still fighting tenaciously. Because of the large number of people, they have entered a war of attrition.

"What's to be done? I've run out of ammo. I'm waiting to die, aren't I? "

"There are so many tramps in Lake City!"

"No matter, fight while you retreat - I've never fought such a bad regiment war, and I'm not so ferocious when I'm a immortal."

"Shut up! Be careful

Cui Renyao just solved one problem, and then saw a few of them come out behind the fat man, but the big guy didn't find out.

Seeing the blade approaching, no one has the skill to save him.

It was at this time that suddenly a golden light was shining, and the half moon light came from the end of the corridor.

With the power of a critical blow, all the chip people in the corridor were overturned to the ground.

Ginger charm cool half of the blood, immediately boiling up.

"Asshole! Since you are OK, why don't you inform us first? "

She was so angry that she burst into tears. Looking at Jin Zuo, who appeared at the end of the corridor, she ran over immediately.

This is to raise his fist to fight -

but when I came near to see his tired face, I had to endure tears and plunge into his arms.

Jin Zuo patted Jiang Wu on the shoulder, dug the person out of her arms, and looked up and down. After confirming that she was ok, he turned his eyes and looked at other people:

"is everything ok?"

His voice was dumb and low, as if he hadn't had a rest for days and nights.

"I wish you were OK."

The fat man was relieved.

Jin Zuo's big move killed almost all the people, and there were no chip people coming out in the follow-up. The first level combat readiness alarm was lifted, and the whole people were full of pain and fatigue.

He rubbed his waist and sat down on the floor.

Qin Zhan put away his double guns and was surprised that Jin Zuo appeared here, but now is not the time to ask.

However, I guess that since Jin Zuo chose to "disappear", he must have his own reason to do so.

"Jiang querong's telephone is also arranged by you?"


Jin Zuo nodded: "but it won't take long to cheat him. We should take action immediately. When he sobers up, he will realize that Jiang querong doesn't have such courage. The person behind her must be me. Since it's me, Shen Muyun will be fine. After all, she's also my mother."

They are so familiar with each other's calculations.

Jiang Wu hears the word "action". She doesn't have to guess what Jin left wants to say to her.

Nothing but let Qin Zhan they protect her to leave first, and then go to risk, to action.

So she said ahead of him:

"I'm determined to be with you this time. You can't drive me away!"

Jin Zuo sighed helplessly and rubbed her head:

"this time, I don't think it's going to work. It's controlled by the magnetic field, so there's no way to force me to leave. I have to go back the same way. But the alarm mechanism on the upper floor has sounded, and I can't get out. I have to dismantle the hidden mechanism all the way down. When I join ah Jin, it's the safest and safest way out. ”

he has to finish the task of destroying the master chip, and he can't protect Jiang Wu to leave.

Perhaps now put her in their own side, can also be more at ease.

As soon as she heard that she could stay, the stone fell in her heart and she swore to herself:

protect herself and never become a burden on him. This time, she will support him in life and death!