Zheng Moyan left.

With a Jin to protect him, Jiang Fu is still at ease. She should also do her own thing.

Destroy the hiding organ, find the place where Jin Zuo may be detained, and rescue the person. Although she is reluctant to admit that she has been missing for such a long time, in fact, maybe he is trapped here.

Take a downhill staircase, and finally meet the fat man at the bottom.

The thin monkey struggled to help people up.

Fortunately, the perception system of the Chip Bracelet controlled his pain. After such a heavy fall, he has survived the pain now.

They are now spying on the lab base from the game, and probably won't encounter the defensive forces head on.

Even if there is, the probability is the same as the bug hero just met. It's the chip man's defense role.

This is an advantage and a disadvantage.

In a way at least, they have no idea where the switch is!

Maybe the base in reality is full of lights, only they hold up the torch like a fool, and only barely make a scene sketch.

This is not a place for design.

So in Jiang Wu's view, this base cave is just an alien space composed of rough points, lines and surfaces.

Not to mention finding the switch to cancel the concealment mechanism, or finding an electric light switch, she was full of frustrations.

Looking at the line wall with no other road in front of her, she guessed -

probably the real place is the door. Only by finding a way to open the door can she move on!

The fat man then scratched his head, supported his thick double chin and said:

"generally, this kind of advanced laboratory, I think we have to use the access control system, right? pay by card? Brush face? Or fingerprints? "

After a pause, he added with a dismal smile, "no matter what it is, we don't have it!"

Cui Renyao recalled the similar plot of the secret agent movie, which was just to knock out who was inside, get the access card as this person, and then walk in swaggeringly.

It's just, who are they going to knock out?


fall into the stage of helpless.

I was going out to have a rest and dinner, but because of this sudden entrance, the rest plan ran aground.

The fat man was so hungry that his eyes turned green. He wanted to knock the door open with his body and get rid of the hidden mechanism earlier, so that ah Jin outside could enter the laboratory and break Jin Zhongnan's nest!

Standing on the edge of the line wall, he scratched the air with teeth and claws -

it seemed that he had made something wrong.

Cui Renyao despises one eye, a treasure shot, hit the fat man's forehead, the burning mark after the magic damage, still let the fat man burn hard.

"Dead demon, what are you doing?"

"I thought you were epileptic. Help you."

"Fart! You think I'm you. I have nothing to do when I'm free. Maybe I'll be lucky to catch a little employee who goes in and out of the entrance guard and force her to swipe the door card. Don't we just go in? "

Cui Renyao turned her eyes and felt that talking to a fat man had the risk of lowering her IQ.

"Can you catch ghosts? Or can ghosts catch you? For them, our present situation is a ghost, isn't it


This simple and easy to understand distance, the fat man will understand.

Scolded a Niang, some frustrated squat on the ground, if not the situation does not allow, he would like to light a cigarette.

Jiang Wu paced in front of the door, racking her brains to think of possible ways -

suddenly, she flashed an idea: Cui Renyao reminded her, what do you want when people pass through the door?

After all, it's another kind of thing. If you want to find this kind of thing, you must ask those chip people!

Thinking of this, she suddenly realized that maybe the chip in the human body is the pass card of the "ghost world".

Once she says her idea, she immediately gets the support of fat man and Cui Renyao. She just wants to contact Zheng Moyan, but Qin Zhan interrupts her.

He calmly took out a chip and said in a deep voice:

"it was given to me by Zheng Moyan when he left. He expected that we would use it."

"Well done!"

Fat man couldn't help whistling and clapped for Zheng Moyan in his heart.

Qin Zhan took the chip and went to the line door. He didn't move. He just said in a loud voice: "I don't know what's going on behind the door. You should be careful. You still have to work hard."

Ginger charm nodded, magic out of the wind shield, will protect five people inside.

She also summoned a strong wind to hide in the corner.

If there is something coming up behind the door, her wind will arrive in a flash, and it can blow away the enemy in a moment!