Jiang Wu looks at Jin left body's wound, tears can't help falling down.

There is no sterilized scalpel, no anesthetic, I don't know how he got the chip.

Looking back, I was once locked in a room and just took the chip from my wrist. I was already suffering a lot, not to mention Jin Zuo's direct operation on my heart and chest?

I can't believe he's been through this.


The machines outside began to explode because of the high temperature.

The temperature in the room is getting higher and higher, leaving them little time to escape.

Qin Zhan comes forward and carries Jin left behind him from a Jin's arms. The fat man helps a Jin up.

But Mo Bu Huan refused to help him.

"Don't touch her. I can do it myself."

He clenched his teeth, fought for the last bit of strength, picked up the man, and moved out a little bit.

This is not a place to talk. Every minute counts. They have to get out immediately.

Out of the room, the fire spread, the vent filled with black smoke, it is very difficult to go out.

Qin Zhan gives a look. His people have tried to get water.

They tore off the cloth strips of their clothes, soaked them in water, and simply made the armor to cover their mouth and nose. Then they poured the armor on their bodies thoroughly, and let Mo Yin and Mo Huan enter the escape passage first.

One by one, Qin Zhan followed him.

"Wait a minute, we're going to take AI out!" Jiang Fu looks back and remembers Xiao AI who has died.

She can't leave him here alone, burning so much that there's no residue left.

"You go in first, I'll find him!"

Qin Zhan moves quickly. After pushing Jiang Fu forward, he goes to find Xiao AI.

There was a roar. deafen the ear with its roar.

In Qin Zhan carrying AI into the vent of the moment, the factory I do not know where a big explosion!

The hot wave carried the fire straight to the vent.

Jiang Wu is in front of Qin Zhan. She seems to hear a weak murmur in the huge explosion.

"Beast! How are you doing? "

In the smoke, she couldn't turn back, she could only shout his name.

After a moment's silence, Qin Zhan clenched his teeth and replied:

"don't talk, try not to inhale more poisonous smoke, go quickly - it's going to explode here soon!"

He speeded up the speed of his feet and pushed Jiang's back to give her the most solid support and strength.

When a few people come, they also want several people to go back. None of them can be less.

"Cough, cough!"

Jiang Fu was pulled out of the vent by Jiang song, which almost exhausted all her strength.

He coughed and felt burning pain in his lungs. His face was as black as paint, but his eyes were bright.

She stood at the top of the wind, watching the factory in the fire, the black smoke billowing up and covering up the waning moon in the sky.

The rescue tonight is full of wounded soldiers.

Xiao AI is dead. Mo Huan is beaten through his shoulder blade and faints. Jin Zuo digs out the master chip himself. He doesn't know the injury.

Even ah Jin and Mo Yin were shot and walked around.

After confirming that Mo Huan and Jin Zuo were carried to the military ambulance, their tense heartstrings relaxed and they collapsed on the ground one after another, soon losing consciousness.

Qin Zhan's face is not good either. He doesn't walk easily at first.

Jiang Fu was so careful that she saw that he was wrong. She said, "are you hurt, too?"

Qin Zhan has no way to hide her, just keep a distance from her, lest she see the burn behind him.

Just at the moment of the explosion, there was a piece of broken debris, along with the shock wave, which hurt his back.

"It doesn't matter. It's a small skin wound. Just go back to the last medicine bag and tie it up."

Other people have minor injuries, including Mo Huan.

He saw it just now. She didn't wake up because she lost too much blood. There are various types of blood bags on the ambulance, which can be used for immediate blood transfusion treatment. There is no problem, the only thing that worries people It's Jin Zuo!

He was so full of bacteria and dirty environment that he took chips by himself. Once the wound was infected, it would be fatal!

Although this is the only way to save one's life, no one wants to become an advanced artificial Ai -

although he has a body that doesn't hurt, he has lost his own soul and become the carrier of a chip's memory.

I didn't expect that he had been away from the team for such a long time, and that so many things had happened to Jiang Wu. If Zheng Moyan hadn't told him on his way here, he would have been totally unimaginable!

Jiang Fu lowered her eyes and looked a little dim.

She looked at the people in the army, still cleaning up the scene, trying not to leave any traces, grateful but also guilty.

"Thank you for saving us, but you are involved in such a thing again, and you are injured again. Will you...""You don't worry."

Qin Zhan interrupted her doubts.

Once upon a time, he was just a little professional player of lcok. Although he was the son of the commander of the army, he used to use public power for personal gain. He made a big stir, and the closure was light.

Now that he is in the military position, he is accused of guarding the peace and security of one side and the interests and security of the army.

Jin Zhongnan is a businessman, but he extradites mercenaries and carries a lot of private weapons, which he should be responsible for.

Today's battle is inevitable for both the public and the private.

He patted Jiang Wu's head and said to him:

"get on the bus and don't delay Jin Zuo to see him to the doctor. He can't go to the big hospital in this case. Go to the 131 Hospital of the army and I'll arrange it - Xiao Wu, I'm not what I used to be. Now I have the ability to protect you."

Eyes like stars, as a major general of the old silence, he was once that clear youth.