Zheng Moyan's Ferrari has only two seats. Unless Jiang Fu holds you in the co driver's seat, he can't go back.

For this kind of advanced sports car, little grapefruit is young and has no concept of expensive value.

In his stereotype, the car is low and short, it's not spacious, and it's very noisy to drive, not to mention how much I don't like to ride - it's still a Sao red car, and I shake my head in disgust.

Zheng Mo Yan was sulky on the side. He could only feel bad in his heart. The little baby didn't have eyes. He didn't dare to say anything.

Seeing the expression of the little pomelo, Jiang Wu smiles, squats down and claps high five with him, saying:

"I don't like this car either, and the color is too eye-catching, right? What bus would you like to take home? "

I don't know that Jin Zuo is willing to let you zhi follow her for a few days. Every day she wants to spend as the most precious time.

As long as you want to do, she will try her best to do, to let him leave a happy memory.

He is too young to know anything exaggerating. He only knows about the classification. Now the car rental industry is so developed that there seems to be a car rental shop next door. He doesn't want to take a Ferrari, so she rents a spacious car.

Little grapefruit thought about it, but her favorite is the transmission in the game.

The runes on the ground are shining. Blinking, he follows babi to his destination.

But he also knows that in real life, people have no wings and can't fly. If he wants to go to Yunxi villa in Ghana, he must take a four wheeled car to get there.

After thinking about it, he said with a smile:

"I want to take a bus!"

When he was in the United States, he had never been in any car, and his in and out were all cars with drivers or nanny cars, but the only one he had never experienced was the bus.

Jiang Fu listened to a Leng, ten thousand didn't expect that small grapefruit would put forward this request.

A moment later she began to laugh. Pear vortex light show, can't help to his small face Baji a kiss up.

What a good son!

Zheng Moyan also laments the magic of gene. When he and Jin Zuo met her at Yuncheng EMU station, this aunt abandoned two luxury cars and insisted on taking the bus in the hottest summer under the pretext of enjoying the city scenery.

That day is still his big nightmare!

"I, I don't take the bus!" Zheng Moyan protested in disgust.

Jiang Wu doesn't care about him, but takes Youzhi's little hand and says: "naturally, you don't have to follow. There are still tasks for you."


"You go to the supermarket and buy some things for me. When you come back to the villa, little pomelo comes to live like this. There is no preparation at home. How can you not buy some? Then go and buy some snacks and fresh dishes, and make delicious food for him in the evening. "

Jiang Fu said this words, her eyes are full of the tenderness of being a mother, and she is happy from the heart.

Smile infected Zheng Moyan, also like a warm current, flowing into his heart.

"But can you do it alone?"

As for buses, Zheng Moyan still has a strange understanding and a contradictory attitude. He has been there once in his life and always feels that it is a kind of car with many people, crowded, slow and dangerous driving.

Jiang Wu cast a blank eye to him:

"how many people can drive in Yuncheng every day? Most of them still take buses. Other drivers can drive more smoothly than you. Besides, there is only one line to Yunxi villa, and there are few people on weekdays. It's not the evening rush hour, so there should be seats. Don't worry. I'm not a three-year-old."

While saying this, he urged Zheng Moyan to go shopping quickly:

"don't delay, go quickly, tell me how much money I will transfer to you later."

ZHENG Moyan thought that he was my son! Do you dare to give me money, sincerely? "

The little pomelo understood this, and immediately incarnated into a little devil with poisonous tongue, and said: "I have a father, not a second father - when my father is not dependent on me, if he doesn't grow well, others will not believe you when they look at me!"

Jiang Wu nearly laughs at this.

Looking at Zheng Moyan's more and more smelly face, I was afraid that he was naive enough to argue with the children about beauty and ugliness, so I closed the car door for him and urged him to leave quickly.


Ferrari went away.

Jiang Wu pulls the grapefruit aside to prevent him from being smoked by the tail gas.

After waiting for the car to leave for a while, he still put his hands on his waist with a very serious expression:

"only when he grows up like my father can he give birth to me!"

I don't know whether he is praising himself or Jin Zuo.