I chose a woman's watch at random. The strap is of bracelet style. It looks good when matched with the bracelet.

Time was running out, she packed up a few things in a hurry, pushed open the door of the room and strode out.

"Brother, I'm going!"

While calling Jiang song, he stamped down the second floor.

Now the place I live in is a little smaller than the villa in group A, but it's better to be clean and tidy. My aunt usually cleans it up, but the layout is designed by Jiang song.

He likes the warm Nordic style with blue and white wood grain, which makes the overall style comfortable and stable.

"Eat breakfast before you go. It's not so short."

Jiang song got up early and prepared breakfast for Jiang Wu in the open kitchen.

Just then the toaster jumped and two pieces of bread came out.

He scooped the poached eggs out of the frying pan, put them on a clean plate and poured some ketchup on it.

Jiang Fu couldn't beat him and didn't want to waste her brother's heart. She put down her bag with a smile, opened the back of her chair and sat at the table.

Fresh orange juice has been put in her hand, as well as today's newspaper.

She flipped over the facts of the country and turned to the entertainment section - but few of them were related to the e-sports circle except for some bad things in the entertainment circle.

Watching Jiang song put down the dinner plate in front of him, Jiang Wu took up her knife and fork and sighed:

"E-sports is still out of fashion. CCTV of the Asian Games refused to release the copyright of live broadcasting competition, which made everyone learn to go over the wall and watch the live broadcasting on the Internet. Fortunately, we won the first place by defeating South Korea. Look at the big event of the new version of the league's opening service There's no news. It's sad. "

Jiang song only wanted to laugh at her nagging complaints.

He pointed to the largest page with his slender finger:

"who said no, you skipped it yourself. The new version of the league has become phenomenal. How can you not report it?"


Jiang Wu's mind to eat is gone.

Shaking open the front page of the newspaper that she ignored, she read it carefully, and had a number in mind.

Holographic full sense of the alliance will be very popular, she was expected, but did not expect to be so hot?

It's almost up to the level of everyone's electronic competition. Even retired old people and women have heard about the game of alliance in their ears. In order to coax their grandchildren and grandchildren, they have to spend money to set up devices to play games.

Playing this new league is not just about a computer.

It needs a set of specific VR equipment, as well as a bracelet. If there are site conditions, you can only wear a bracelet and glasses, and run and jump in an open place without hindrance.

If there is no venue conditions, you need to buy another action rolling blanket!

With these three things, we have the basic equipment for entry-level games. These three things are not too expensive. You can buy one set for about five or six hundred yuan to ensure that the entry threshold will not be too high.

As for the high-level equipment, it is the project that Qigui company makes money.

Jiang Fu knows the price of these high-level equipment in her heart. She is ready to be a professional team. If she doesn't buy the best equipment for her team members, how can she stand up to their hard work of training three years ago?

After leaving the newspaper, Jiang took a sip of orange juice and said with a smile:

"in those days, we were prepared, but now we are not in a hurry. Lock can get the qualification of the performance competition this time. In fact, it is praying that the company will invest and sponsor us to give the public a demonstration of the highest level of real games?"

Speaking of this, she is very proud.

Other teams are still suffering from the transformation of the old version, lock has become the highest level of textbooks.

Even Qigui company is looking for her, hoping to hold a performance competition for players to see.

Jiang Songwen smiles and urges her to eat quickly. Don't fry eggs until they are cold.

"It's said that you didn't want money for the show, but a set of new somatosensory equipment?"

Jiang song poured himself hot milk and looked at her with a smile -

"no, what do I want money for? I definitely want the best equipment! In fact, it's mutually beneficial and win-win. When we go out to play a performance contest, they sponsor a full set of equipment, and they are also advertising for sales. Brother, you don't know that the boss of Qigui is not a fuel-efficient lamp. It's really not easy to get points from other places. "

Jiang Wu wants to go to pray for the style of the people above. Her fur is rigorous and tough, which makes her work hard.