Back in her room, she closed the door with a light backhand.

All around was silence. She took advantage of the dim light outside the window and sat down in front of the desk.

When I left here, I just packed some personal clothes. Most of the things are still here. All the memories of her and Jin Zuo are left here.

He bought her Gaoding ready-made clothes in the closet. The locker was full of expensive limited edition bags, accessories in the long drawer, watches and bracelets. She could find out almost all the things that netizens showed on xiaohongshu and Weibo in her room.

But at that time, she didn't have the field to use, and now she won't use it.

She opened the drawer of her desk, took out a souvenir book that she regarded as a treasure, and stroked the light layer of ash. She turned on the desk lamp on her right hand.

The warm orange light is sprinkled leisurely, and the gilded edge of the album is dazzling. Before she opens it, the corners of her eyes are moist.

Cool fingertips, Jiang Fu slowly opened the album, her and Jin left photos on the paper.

And his beautiful and clean handwriting, a little bit describes those days, how happy they were.

Turning to the last page, the picture of her squatting in the toilet in distress, lasting forever, still made her smile.

Tears hung down for a long time and fell on the photo. Instead of being absorbed by the kraft paper in time, they spread on both sides, blurring her expression of surprise and embarrassment in the photo.

Jiang Wu can imagine the laughter when he pressed the shutter.

She read this book over and over again for a long time. Time passed quickly, and the sky began to turn dark. The time she agreed with Wang Li was almost up.

After closing the memorial book, Jiang Fu's heart was full of twists and turns.

Some things do not remember, some people do not love, but deeply buried in the heart.

If someone asks her what is love, she may be able to say that the real love is sometimes forgetting him, forgetting that she loves her, but when she has to choose to forget, she will still keep this memory regardless of everything, this one can be crazy for him at any time.

Even if the palpitations were unilateral, she would never get feedback again.

She is determined that this life can not be happy, but at least she had a happy, short but real.

It exists in this album, in every story before, deep in her memory.

So she decided that no matter how painful and painful she was, she was not prepared to forget all this.

Love and make a spring, if he is no longer there, and she chooses to forget, then who will know those desperate days before?

Don't forget her.

She must remember, clearly remember, love gave her joy, but also brought pain and hurt.

Like day and night, there is morning light and dusk.

She can choose to escape in a place, but always remember that there is no heartless happy life, even if it is a wound, it is also a gift of life.

Think of here, also made a decision.

The melancholy in her heart seemed to have been expelled, and it seemed to be more intense, which made her gasp for breath.

She put the album back in the drawer and locked it with a lock. The key was under the flowerpot seat of a cactus in the corner of the table as usual. Then she got up and left the room.

She thought, or to see Wang Li, tell him her decision.

But before leaving the villa gate, the security guard anxiously stopped her:

"Ms. Jiang Fu, please calm down and don't do anything impulsive. I can't let you leave now. They've come back by plane!"

Jiang Fu frowns, don't understand why security so excited?