There are rows of aluminum alloy cupboards, which are full of vegetables, dishes and dishes. Against the wall is a side stove with two pots. There are all kinds of oil, salt, soy sauce and vinegar.

It should be a small kitchen for security guards, servants and tea.

As the owner of this villa, why did he come here for dinner?

As if seeing Jiang Fu's question, Jin Zuo explained calmly:

"I have strict rules. After dinner time, the kitchen is not allowed to open fire. Only this teahouse can provide a snack tea for the servant."

"For, why?"

How could there be such a strange rule.

"Do I need an explanation?"

Jin left coldly swept her one eye, did not want to ask to answer some tedious questions.

The reason why he didn't open fire was that the servant used the kitchen stove without permission, which almost led to a fire. Since then, he has strict rules on the time when the stove is opened. Only this teahouse can open fire at this time.

Since it's his own rules, there's no reason to take the lead in breaking them.

Therefore, if you want to take Jiang Fu for supper, you can only come to this narrow and greasy place.

There is almost no place to settle down. The only square towel that can be used to wipe greasy dust was discarded after he used it just now.

He put his hands in his trouser pockets and could not sit in front of the bench. Some of them stood with their hands tied and their eyebrows slightly frowned.

Jiang Wu did not know where to turn over a plastic bag and put it on the stool -

"just sit down. In fact, it's OK for you to go back. I can feed myself."

Jin Zuo didn't speak. He sat down on the stool with his long legs overlapping. He looked elegant and idle.

He took a look at the cooker and signaled that Jiang Fu could work.

"And my share?" He has a lot of reason.

Jiang was a little surprised and asked:

"how do you know I can cook? What's more, would you like to eat what I make? "

Jin Zuo was speechless when asked this question.

No one has ever said that Jiang Wu can cook, and he has no way to know. But subconsciously, he thinks that she can cook. Although the taste is average, she can barely eat it, and she doesn't feel bad, so she will miss it.

He didn't intend to say it.

"You can't cook? How can I say that I will take good care of my baby and hire a nanny forever? "

Cleverly evaded himself, just heckled Jiang Wu, and turned the topic back.

Jiang Wu mumbled twice and turned away.

She rummaged through the cupboard, picked up some fairly fresh broccoli, and turned over two quick-frozen steaks from the freezer.

"It's only quick-frozen. Do you want to eat it?"

She lifted the blood red steak in her hand.

When Jin Zuo saw it, he tightened his eyebrows and hesitated for a long time before nodding reluctantly:

"maybe I can't eat, but you can't do it."

Jiang Yu as like as two peas, and how can JOE be more like the left side of the turtle than the Jin Zuo?

Is it difficult to be a twin brother? Is this kind of character inherited by gene?

She turned on the natural gas and set the fire to dry. She rubbed some butter on the pan and thawed the steak with hot water.

A peep.

She knows that Jin Zuo likes medium rare steak, but she doesn't know if this person has the same taste.

Fry it for five minutes first. He doesn't like to cook it again. Anyway, it's quick-frozen steak and doesn't spoil things.

As soon as she took the plate to start the pot, Jin Zuo added calmly after her:

"two more eggs, good things come in pairs."

Jiang Fu's spatula fell to the ground with a bang!

She turned back in surprise, trying to find what she wanted from his face -

did he remember?