After the new year's festival, the people of Yunxi villa came back in batches.

Except for some substitutes, the logistics workers are all new recruits.

Now Qin Zhan is in charge and Jiang Wu is in charge of the money. Compared with Jin Zuo's extravagance at that time, he is more able to calculate the cost and control the expenditure.

In fact, many of the rooms in Yunxi villa are idle, even the dining room of aunt lock.

In order to earn more income, Qin Zhan opened up vacant villas and re circled them into E-sports resorts, officially attracting tourists and E-sports fans.

First of all, the scenery of Yunxi villa is good. The villas are ready-made, which can be regarded as a place for vacation.

Second, the lock club is next door. Although the fans of E-sports have no ability to enter the youth training camp, they still want to experience the top atmosphere of the top clubs. They can come here for two days.

Qin Zhan has also built an Internet cafe with good style, where tourists can open black and compete with each other.

They even have the chance to connect the lock players and play friendly training matches with the strongest world-class players.

As soon as the resort is open, online booking is very popular.

From the beginning of the year to the middle of the year, the number of people in the queue is much higher than everyone's imagination.

Jiang Wu can't help feeling: in fact, the money Jin Zuo gave her doesn't move. With Qin Zhan's brain alone, lock can operate and support itself.

In addition to the income of the resort, the rest is the inherent income of the club.

Qin Zhan's style is steady and cautious, but he will attack when he sees the opportunity.

As a manager, he is as reassuring and trustworthy as his ADC.

With a strong backing, the team's regular training began.

Jiang song became the head coach of the team and arranged all the training and tactics -- Jiang Wu did her best to keep up with the pace of training, and also participated in several spring leagues, but Jiang song was considerate of her body and would not make her too tired.

The draft competition is also in full swing.

There are as many people everywhere who are eager to sign up as sand.

The main reason is that the audience of this league game is too wide. Nine out of ten boys can play it. With this opportunity, many people are willing to give it a try. They don't have to be selected into lock youth training. The bonus for participation is also good.

The waves wash the sand, each city layer upon layer brush down, the strong out of the strong, finally gathered to the cloud city only 30 people.

In Yuncheng, they have to go through several rounds of fighting. Only a dozen people can really enter the youth training camp.

The last game was in Yunxi villa.

After the winner appears, they can have a friendly welcome match with lock team, which will be broadcast live on the whole network.

Jiang Wu can't miss this competition, because the original intention of holding this draft competition is to select the starting assistant to replace her next position.

As an old master, his apprentice must be in charge.

After the training match, she had lunch with everyone and came to the competition field early.

Now watch a match off the stage, and then play a friendly match on the stage.

Several young men are on the stage, their faces are tense, and they keep looking down the stage.

In their eyes, the lock players sitting under the stage are the existence of gods. When the winner can fight with them, even if they are beaten, they will recognize it.

Jiang Fu's line of sight chasing both sides of the auxiliary position to see, the left auxiliary is a little boy, green and astringent, smile and small tiger teeth.

The fat man knew Jiang Fu's mind very well. The thief laughed, turned his elbow and asked in a low voice:

"what do you think of that little suckling dog? One by one, sister Jiang Wu, the goddess's call to you has softened your heart, hasn't it

"Don't talk nonsense."

Jiang Wu slanted him one eye, then looked to the right auxiliary position.

Why is this man wearing a mask?