Jiang querong's appearance has successfully attracted the attention of the cupboard sister -

she looks around and sweeps her from head to foot. She doesn't even let go of the brand of sunglasses. She initially locates the a + customer group and has the ability to spend more than 200000 yuan at a time.

After the estimation, the cupboard lady stepped out gracefully with a professional and polite smile:

"madam, what can I do for you?"

After listening to the query in fluent Chinese, Jiang sparrow picked her eyebrows and stood in the same place with her chest:

"do you know I'm Chinese?"

I heard that this silk scarf is sold in mainland China for ten years, but I don't think it's the only one that you can describe

Professional and sweet.

Jiang querong was flattered by the whole person more gone with the wind.

For such customers, the teller's natural and considerate service.

Jiang querong sat down on a single sofa, drinking the coffee ground by the shop assistant with Hermes's own porcelain ware, waiting for the teller to show her everything.

She is depressed, the whole person's mind is completely on Jiang Wu.

Pretending to see her, she took off her sunglasses and asked, "should I call you Li xiaora? Or Jiang Wu? One is the wanted criminal, the other is the net red, I don't care, you can choose

Jiang Sparrow's teeth itch with hatred for that century wedding.

When she says the three words Li Xiaoran, she wants to bite Jiang Fu's flesh down and let her taste the pain of almost collapse!

Looking at the wooden Leng appearance that Jiang Fu didn't say and didn't leave, her eyes were full of pride, and the action of touching her stomach was more gentle.


Jiang Wu doesn't mean to stay, waiting for Jiang querong to be humiliated.

Just because her eyes could not move away from her stomach - in the final analysis, it was Jin Zuo's blood.

And she wants to know, what does Jiang querong want to do?!

This time, what is the opportunity or capital she seized?

Is it still the baby in the belly?

Jiang querong reached out and stroked her round belly.

She is full-term and can give birth soon. She was idle and bored to go shopping, but she ran into Jiang Wu by accident. She couldn't help but want to show off and revenge. She gave up her low-key commitment to the Jin family and came out to stand in front of Jiang Wu.

Even if Jiang Wu goes to complain to Jin Zuo, it doesn't matter. Her child, he has no way to wipe it out!

Jiang querong stood up from the sofa and approached Jiang Fu step by step.

Jiang Wu didn't want to touch her belly. The tension forced her to take a big step back and press her back against the wall.

Cui Renyao wants to drag people forward, but Jiang Wu whispers to him:

"don't touch her!"

Cui Renyao released her hand and looked at her arrogantly. She was also angry and helpless.

You can't touch it. If there's a good or bad thing, you can't wash it when you jump into the Yellow River.

Jiang querong enjoys this fear and panic, which makes her more invincible:

"are you afraid? The baby in my stomach, Jin Zuo, was not able to finish him at that time. Now it's too late. "

She lowered her head and looked at all her chips:

"it's a boy, Jiang Wu. I tell you, Jin Zuo has a son! You are the Miss admitted by the Li family. You are husband and wife in name. So what? As long as I have this child, everything in the Jin family will be mine, including Jin Zuo. "

Cui Renyao was stunned.

Finally understand the dog blood drama, about is the third child pregnant, fair and aboveboard forced the original match?

Damn it, it's not going to smoke her. Are you waiting for the new year?