After waiting for more than an hour, the organizing committee formally apologized and made a public statement.

Of course, they will not admit that they have accepted bribes and ignore her opening and hanging. They will only say that due to the dereliction of duty of the technical personnel, there was a serious bug in the competitive equipment at that time, which was used by the intentional people and destroyed the fairness of the game. They will take this matter seriously.

In addition to declaring the match invalid, the organizing committee dealt with her most seriously.

It's not just a ban. All players in the second division can no longer see any official games. Her club has also been removed from the list of clubs in China's division and become a pheasant group, which will not be recognized by the organizing committee.

Slap and sugar.

Naturally, the organizing committee will not forget lock. Although the result is invalid this time, the lock team, with the first result in the group stage, went to Paris on behalf of China to participate in the S6 world competition every four years.

Of course, in order to appease the audience, in addition to the full refund of tickets, the organizing committee has to discuss with the domestic league game agents that they should pay to open up a number of limited and free heroes and skins as welfare. It can be regarded as the compensation and apology to the public players for this vicious incident.

After this game, there will be no more goddess vs goblin in the e-sports circle. We only recognize one E-sports goddess, that is lock's Jiang Wu.

And Ge shisan's behavior of spending money to open and hang up and disgusting competition makes her reputation stink, and Li Laosan can't get rid of it, at least for now.


The organizing committee's resolute punishment made Ge shisan angry and helpless.

Originally, he stormed on the door of the office and wanted to drag a few people into the water to question who was exerting pressure behind his back, so that they could turn their faces around and push them.

But security seems to have been ordered, Yang in the hands of the baton, not allow her to close to the office step. Let's put it bluntly: if you dare to "slander" the organizing committee, take immediate action to shut her up.

When Jiang Wu left, she happened to see such a scene -

Ge shisan pushed the security guard and refused to give up, but was finally stabbed on the chest by the electric stick!

She rolled her eyes and fell to the ground.

Jiang Fu sees in the eye, but does not plan to stop.

Song thirteen this woman has already let her down enough appetite, even if she died immediately, oneself also won't have any mood change.

It's more than 5 p.m. to walk out of the competition hall with you.

It's getting dark. The clouds are rolling. It looks like it's going to rain soon.

"I'm so hungry. Why don't you eat out and go back to the villa? I don't want to go back and cook. "

The fat man rubbed his stomach and was in a good mood. He wanted to make a tooth sacrifice outside.

Cui Renyao used to pour cold water on him, and this time was no exception:

"still eating out? We won the division and are going to play S6 in Paris. Do you think we have money? "

Team members, alternates, drivers and entourage spend almost a month eating, drinking, staying, air tickets, competition registration fees and so on.

It seems that the money is still flying in the sky. It's impossible to earn money on live broadcasting in Paris.

Qin Zhan didn't speak on the side. After a long hesitation, he decided to be honest with his teammates and tell them everything so that they don't have to worry about money.

Just haven't opened mouth, the mobile phone on Jiang Fu's body rings.

When she pressed the call button, a voice of a strange woman came out:

"excuse me, is that Miss Li's mobile phone?"