Five people in a car, from the airport package back to Yunxi villa.

Since Jin Zuo's accident, great changes have taken place in the lock club. The staff in the villa area have proposed to the manager to terminate their contract and want to get paid to leave. They are afraid that Jin Zuo will not get paid after he is put into prison.

Managers want to go, naturally they don't care about such a little salary, and they don't bother to keep these people.

He squandered Jin Zuo's working capital left in the club, then rolled up his own money and swaggered away.

In addition to not for money, only for the dream of the team members still insist, Yunxi villa looks empty, most of the day also can't see a person.

Fortunately, the manager still has a last conscience -

he left a sum of money for the registration fee of the lock team league, at least not to let the players miss the domestic league because of the money.

But once we win the league and go abroad to play the S6 world game, we don't know where to find the huge cost.

Back to Villa a.

The fat man slammed the door, threw his fat body into the sofa and yelled:

"Hu Hansan is back again!"

Cui Renyao passed by in a strange way. I don't know whether it's mocking him or himself. She said gently:

"what's the use of your coming back? Can you cook for me or wash my clothes? I can't even pay the electricity fee for the next month. "

"In that case, why are you coming back?"

Cui hou'er, who has always been silent, choked him coldly.

Cui Renyao snorted and his eyes were red. After thinking for a long time, he came up with a lame reason:

"I'm afraid you four won't give up. You have to continue to play the league. I'm leaving. You can find a hot chicken as a substitute. What outsiders don't know is me!"

"Bah, you dead demon, if you don't want to lock, just say it!"

"You like to be sentimental, fat man!"

Cui dropped this sentence and immediately twisted his waist and went up to the second floor.

As soon as the door was closed, Jiang Fu heard a burst of shrill crying. She didn't know why, but she felt a little funny.

Fat man laughs and thinks it's fun to make Cui Renyao cry.

He spread his hand pointlessly, turned up the volume, and tried to let Cui, who was immersed in self grief, hear him in the room.

"What a big deal! If we have money, we're lock in villas. If we don't have money, we're the death squads of Internet cafes. Internet cafes cost 16 yuan. How many bowls of instant noodles can we make overnight? Don't be afraid, S6 is just a piece of iron bone, and our brothers will chew it down too! "

This words say momentum such as rainbow, thin monkey is on the side Mou is bright, have the impulse that kills Internet bar next moment.

Qin Zhan, however, retained some sense.

"We don't care. What about Xiao Wu? Do you want to sleep in the Internet bar and eat instant noodles with me

"I -"

it's really difficult for Jiang Wu to say "can" without fear.

In fact, she can ask the Li family for help. At least she can borrow some money to let Yunxi villa survive this period. When Jin Zuo comes back, all the problems will be solved.

After deciding, she asked:

"what time will you train tomorrow? I'm going out for a few hours to see if I can find a way to get the money

The fat man grinned:

"the manager and the coach have all run away. If we were not obedient comrades and Qin Dashen, a self disciplined professional player, lock would have played GG in the laughter."

"Are you going to the Li family?"

Qin Zhan doesn't have so much nonsense as fat man. He is still worried about the difficulties Jiang Wu may face.

After all, supporting a club and coping with a world game is not a small sum.

"I can only say try."

Although Li Yuan said that he felt very guilty for her granddaughter, who was living in exile, and wanted to try his best to make up for it.

But after all, he had given her a century wedding, tried his best to help her in the escape, and even brought her back to China unharmed.

She was embarrassed to borrow such a large sum of money.

Besides, her grandfather is in poor health and has been staying at the manor in Paris for a rest. Although the Li family is powerful in China, the people who control the family are her three uncles - she has never met before, so it is even more difficult for her to speak.