Su Yuetong is in the kitchen, preparing tea and snacks while chatting with mother Hu.

Mother Hu has been serving Su Su for many years. Since she gave birth to Su Yuetong, she saw Su Su so healthy for the first time. She felt that she was much different from the time she was sick in the past. Even her character changed.

Su Yuetong didn't really know her mother very well. In her heart, she felt that her mother had no other outstanding characteristics except her beauty, gentleness and independence from the world. However, when she chatted with mother Hu, she found that her mother was very independent recently. When she was recuperating in Qinghe hospital, she also sent Wan Xueqing through her hair once.

This surprised Su Yuetong.

In my impression, Wan Xueqing has a sweet tongue and a hidden sword in her smile. On the surface, she is dignified and dignified. She can take charge of her own affairs. On the inside, she is clever and vicious. She can control everything in her home. In front of Wan Xueqing, her mother is a very weak baby.

But mother Hu said that last time Wan Xueqing came to give Su Su ginseng Ganoderma lucidum, Su Su said something to her, let her go back with her ginseng Ganoderma lucidum, and her face was very bad when she left.

Su Yuetong immediately came up and asked mother Hu, "what did my mother say to Wan Xueqing?"

She hasn't let Wan Xueqing walk by.

Hu mother shook her head, "I don't know what the lady said, but I can see that Wan Xueqing is really afraid, and the lady is calm, and it's no different from usual. I always think the lady is different from before."

"I don't think it's the same. Does my mother think of her former identity?" Su Yuetong is very curious.

Hu's mother smiles happily, "maybe it is. When the general brought his wife back, his wife was very lonely. Except for the general, no one could tell her the truth. Later, she got familiar with the princess. Only when the princess passed away and the general was gone, her wife was lonely and miserable."

Mother Hu was a little distressed when she said it. Her eyes were red. She wiped away her tears, but she soon laughed again. "But now it's OK. Although the general is gone, the lady is in good health. Miss, you are obedient and sensible. The maid will go to see the general in a hundred years, and will give an account to the general."

"What are you talking about! You will live a long life in the future! I also want to show my respect to you and your mother, so that your children and grandchildren will be full. " Su Yuetong smiles and comforts.

When it comes to the full house of children and grandchildren, Hu's mother took a look at Su Yuetong, and her eyes were a little gratified, "now that the young lady is not young, it's really time to talk about marriage! The affair of the eighth Prince is over, but the young lady has a lover? "

The old people are always looking forward to the end of their children's life. At this moment, mother Hu's eyes are as bright as a few stars. Su Yuetong smiles awkwardly, "ha ha ha! The snacks are ready. I'll take them to Uncle Huang and mother Huang! "

Su Yuetong took the tea tray and ran away quickly. How could she feel that she was urged to marry?

Although it's time for her to get engaged at her age, she's a miss of the general's mansion. Don't you worry about getting married?

And she has uncle Huang

"Cough!" Su Yuetong suddenly remembered that her relationship with Uncle Huang was stable, but she didn't tell her parents!

For example, her mother didn't know that when her mother was seriously ill in her last life, her memory probably stayed on Chu Chengye. Now that her mother is well, it seems that she should tell her that she has uncle Huang?