"Uncle Huang..." Su Yuetong choked.

She has never seen Chu Yihan so indifferent, he is indifferent to the world, to everyone, but not to her.

Su Yuetong no longer entangled, probably understand the meaning of Chu Yihan.

Don't be distracted by him any more, then what choice will he make.

He said that day, let her choose between him and Hua Qingluo.

She said that there was no need to choose at all. She only liked Chu Yihan.

But she always felt that Chu Yihan would make any choice.

"By the way, the green bird you saw just now is the mount bird of my master Jiuding immortal. In the whole Jiuding Road, only my master can ask her to move. Just now, the saint should go to my master, and the green bird will send her back." Chu Yihan answers a small question of Su Yuetong.

Then he went to the desk.

Su Yuetong knew the answer, but was stunned for a long time.

Eyes moist again, not because of sad, but a little joy.

It turns out that no matter what she does, Chu Yihan still loves her the same.

From the moment she came near him, he watched her every move.

How can a man who loves her like this be willing to be angry with her for a long time?

Su Yuetong jumps out to do her own thing.

If she wants to get haotianshui before she sees Qingniao, it's really a headache, but after seeing it

She ran to the immortal inkstone to see the saint. The saint allowed her to go to the immortal inkstone as an exception, and knew that she was here to borrow Bluebird. She didn't immediately drive her out with the charge of blaspheming the sacred bird. She just told her with regret, "Bluebird elder is my father's Mount, it only listens to my father, even if it's me, only in his face, will Bluebird carry me Once, master Bluebird was easy to see

"It So proud? "

I know it's not easy to ride the beast, but it's so It's hard to get close.

Su Yuetong does not believe in evil, let the saint take her to see the bird, want to give her a discussion.

But the stinky bird, not only did not bird her, as soon as she understood human words, flapped her wings and fanned her far away, rolling all over the dust.

"Ah, Pooh!" The third time she was overturned by Bluebird, Su Yuetong stood up, and the saint gave her a wet handkerchief and advised her, "forget it, don't annoy Bluebird."

"But Yunling mountain is occupied by the Yuns. If I don't take this stinky bird, how can I get haotianshui saint?" Su Yuetong wiped her face with ashes, so she was very embarrassed.

This is more difficult for the saint than for her.

Even if she wanted to help her, she had more heart than strength.

She has no position to order the cloud family to give Su Yuetong haotianshui, not to mention Su Yuetong and Yun Qingrong are so incompatible.

"Chirp -"

the green bird called, and his black and white eyes were full of displeasure, as if they were driving people away.

The saint said apologetically to it, "excuse me, we'll leave now."

"Chirp!" Bluebird haughtily raised his neck, as if to say: roll, roll! Don't disturb me!

"Tweet your sister! You stinking bird Su Yuetong has a little temper, pointing to the bluebird cold hum.

Green bird a angry, pecked her, her hand immediately appeared a good big hole.

"Ah! You Too much! " Su Yuetong gritted her teeth and held her hand.

The bluebird's mouth is still bloodstained. It licks its mouth, but suddenly cries out, "chirp! Chirp! Chirp - "
