"Because... Everyone is an independent individual. If you want to live in this world for yourself, you should have what you like, not what I like and what you like," she said.

At the age of 12, he is already a student in Grade 6 of primary school. In a few months, he will graduate from primary school and go to junior high school.

The growth of age has also changed many of her perspectives.

"Don't I like what you like?" he asked.

"But I hope you have something you like. It may not be what I like, but you like it." he Zixin said.

"I don't want it!" Yi Qianci refused without even thinking. "If it's not what you like, then I won't like it!"

His words were so simple that she didn't know how to go on.

Sometimes, his stubbornness, even she felt helpless, as if once he identified something, it was useless for anyone to say.

Ling not far away still seemed to notice the difference between the two children and walked forward, "what's the matter?"

He Zixin shook his head first and said, "nothing, aunt Ling."

Yi Qianzhi is silent.

Ling still said to he Zixin, "I know you're sensible, but if Xiaoci really did something that made you unhappy, just tell me, okay?"

"Aunt Ling, it's really nothing. I just hope Xiaoci doesn't follow what I like because I don't have anything he likes."

"Why should I like things that sister doesn't like? I don't want to." Yi Qianci said.

Ling still looked at his son like this. Naturally, he also knew his son's stubbornness in this regard, so he said to he Zixin, "I know you are kind. I hope Xiaoci can become independent, but take your time."

"Yes." he Zixin nodded.

In the bedroom at night, Ling still told Yi Jinli about he Zixin and Xiaoci today.

"You said, what if Xiaoci goes on like this? The child is too attached to Zixin." Ling was still worried.

"In fact, there is nothing bad, as long as Zixin will be with Xiaoci in the future." Yi Jin left.

"Then Zixin likes Xiaoci, but what should Zixin do if she only treats Xiaoci as her brother and has no feelings in that regard?" Ling still said, which is also what she was most worried about.

"If that's true, let Zixin fall in love with Xiaoci." Yi Jin left.

Ling still had a big head. "For emotional things, how can we say that we fall in love when we fall in love? If feelings can be so easily controlled by will, there won't be so many things we can't ask for in this world."

"Xiaoci is our son. If he really wants he Zixin to accompany him all his life, he will surely make he Zixin fall in love with him." Yi Jin left the tunnel firmly.

"Are you so sure?" she said.

"Yes, I'm sure." even if he Zixin doesn't like to resign, he will let his son get what he wants in the future.

But he didn't say it to her at the moment, because he knew that even if he said it, she wouldn't agree.

Still different from him, her heart is always bright, so she will become a lawyer, so over the years, she will continue to fight lawsuits for her justice and unjust defenders.

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