Wang Yuxin wanted to push Gu Xiyao away, but she had been beaten all the time, and she was already short of strength.

At this moment, the other party is strangling his neck, and his breathing is getting more and more difficult.

The more powerless Wang Yuxin was to resist, the more intensified Gu Xiyao became.

While the two were pushing, most of Wang Yuxin's body had been pushed out of the balcony by Gu Xiyao. Seeing that if this continued, she would be pushed off the balcony, and Lu Yanhua on the side was anxious.

"Xiyao, let go quickly, no matter what you do, you can't kill Yu Xin!" Lu Yanhua rushed over, trying to pull Gu Xiyao's hand away.

"Go away!" Gu Qianyao pushed Lu Yanhua away angrily.

Lu Yanhua was originally standing on the edge of the balcony, but being pushed by Gu Qianyao like this, she staggered back, unable to stabilize her body, and the balcony fence behind her suddenly loosened at this moment. .

With an "ah" sound, Lu Yanhua fell straight towards the balcony.

"Mom!" Out of the corner of Wang Yuxin's eyes, he caught a glimpse of his mother's falling body.

She tried her best to push Gu Qianyao away, trying to grab her mother's hand.

But it's not too late!

She didn't catch anything, so she could only watch her mother fall from the balcony and slammed heavily on the potted plant below.

Cracked potted plants.

The blood mixed with the potted soil, turning into a dazzling dark red.

"Mom!" Wang Yuxin trembled, turned around and rushed downstairs quickly to the place where his mother fell!

At this moment, there was a pool of blood on the back of her mother's head, her pale face, and her tightly closed eyes made her fear to the extreme.

She didn't dare to move her mother's body, she reached out tremblingly, and probed into her mother's breath, while groping for the phone on her body.

If you want to call, let 120 come over quickly!

Her mother is her only real relative, and she can't let her have anything to do!

There is still some breath in the mother's nose.

But 120 quickly got through, so Wang Yuxin quickly explained her mother's current situation to the operator and reported her address.

After saying everything, Wang Yuxin's tears couldn't stop falling.

She has always complained to her mother.

Complaining that her mother wanted an easier life, she brought her into the Gu family, making her life worse than even a servant.

No dignity, just because the Gu family raised her!

She wanted to leave the Gu family with her mother countless times, but her mother was unwilling, so after she could live independently, she left the Gu family by herself.

She wants to draw a line with the Gu family.

But her mother still stayed in Gu's house, so that even if she left Gu's house, Gu Xiyao could still point fingers in front of her, and she could beat and scold her.

She hated, hated!

But she didn't expect that her mother would fall off the balcony like this in order to save her.

Since my mother has always been so cowardly, she has always watched her being tortured by Gu Xiyao, so this time, it's fine to just stand by and watch, why do you have to rush out!

Why rush out!

Why stop Gu Qianyao!

Wang Yuxin asked over and over again in her heart, and her tears couldn't stop flowing.

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