He Zixin sipped some dry lips, as if summoning up courage, "can we... Not break up?"

His pupils shrunk almost undetectable. "I've already said that I'm tired and don't want to continue such exchanges."

"Is it really so tired to associate with me?" She asked.

"Yes, very tired." He said that his mood would always be in a state of anxiety. Even if she was around him, he would always worry about gain and loss. The memories in his mind had no feelings, and always flashed in his mind like a slide.

He will think of the expression she said she wanted to communicate with song Yue, her bright smile, the way she and song Yue walked on campus, and she stood in front of him holding song Yue's hand Even later, she was angry with song Yue and made trouble with him for song Yue

Obviously, he had been hypnotized and had forgotten that part of his feelings, but the memory seemed more vivid in his mind.

"If you want me to come here to talk with you today, just about it, then I can tell you clearly that my decision will not change." Yi said modestly in a cold voice.

Patter! Patter!

He Zixin wept like this until the tears fell from her cheeks and fell on her hands. She suddenly felt that she was crying!

It's because his voice is so firm. It seems that there is no room for turning around. It also makes all kinds of words she had thought for several days get stuck in her throat. It seems that it's hard to say a word.

He looked at her face full of tears, and his heart tingled again.

Stop the pain! Now that we have to be completely separated from her, don't hurt! He kept talking to himself in his heart.

But her tears were still running, and his heart was still aching.

At the beginning of Yi Qian's farewell, he tried not to see her tears. "Even if you cry, it won't change the fact that we broke up."

"I... I don't know. It turned out that we could break up so soon. I thought this time, we could be together for a long time, but... It turned out that you would feel so tired to associate with me..." She choked. "You know what? When I heard you go to hypnosis, I was very frightened, afraid, afraid that everything between us was meaningless to you. Later... Later, it really became meaningless."

She laughed with self mockery, but her tears became worse. "Over the years, I have always regretted that I misunderstood you and let you choose hypnosis. Therefore, when you said that you were willing to 'try' with me, how happy and grateful I was. I felt that God gave me another chance to be with my favorite people."

She said and approached him step by step, "little Ci, i... I really thank God for letting you come to me, giving me the opportunity to protect you and let me stay with you for so many years, but at the beginning, you loved me too early, and I loved you too late. You said you were tired and didn't want to continue to associate with me, so... What about your feelings for me? Really don't you love me anymore?"

She wanted to know how much he still had for her at the moment.

Raising her hand, she wanted to touch his face, but the moment her fingers touched his cheek, he suddenly stood back and took two steps back.

It was like rejecting her touch.

He Zixin only felt that his last hope seemed to be dashed.

”So, you really don't love me anymore, do you? "Even if a heart keeps calming down, she still wants to hear the answer from him.

He finally turned his face. On his expressionless face, his cold eyes were looking at her. The light of his eyes seemed to empty everything.