Chapter 45 - Captured

Chapter 45 Captured

Water Pavilion’s Other Courtyard.

“Your Majesty, Nuo and the substitute have both died.”

The room was completely dark and the windows were closed, not a hint of light was able to make it’s way inside. A lofty, beautiful man sat motionless on the desk, seemingly accustomed to the darkness. In the pitch black, his sharp, hawk-like eyes shone.

“Dead, then what about them?”

The shadow bowed his head, “The assassination plan failed, they saw through our schemes.”

“Failed.” Throughout the entire conversation the man’s voice remained steady, unchanging. It seemed as if none of this had affected him. Lan Sheng Ling continued to ask, “Then have both sides started fighting?”

“Before Nuo died he sent out a signal. It’s inevitable that Blue Snow Stronghold and Xiu Luo villa begin fighting.” The shadow’s voice held a hint of joy. Although His Majesty’s plan didn’t completely succeed, His Majesty’s layout wasn’t destroyed and everything could proceed as usual. It was just that a small hiccup had occurred in the plan, nothing more.

But the shadow didn’t know that this tiny change of expression and inward joy cost him his life.

The corpse that fell onto the floor was completely silent. Then, as if rehearsed, a short male wearing a black cloth stepped forward with a porcelain bottle in his hand. He proceeded to pour a fine powder over the corpse and moments later, thick clouds rose up from the body. Once the smoke cleared up, the body had been reduced to nothing more than a puddle of thin blood.

“Prepare for both the hidden guards and Imperial Military to encircle the western doorway. I want both sides to suffer and disappear!”


A hoarse and unpleasant sounding voice answered, having predicted everything that was taking place.

Blue Snow Stronghold.

Everyone from Xiu Luo villa and Blue Snow Stronghold had continuously fought each other. Numerous white clothed emissaries rushed out, blocking the snow guards from advancing further inside. Overall, their offensive strategies and martial arts were much fiercer than the previous group’s. In total there were thirty snow guards and each one could take one ten people. Yet, they couldn’t continue resisting so many people’s attacks and the battle gradually tilted to the other side.

Que’s long sword thrust into one of the white emissary’s mouth at the same time a snow guard collapsed. Que could do nothing but bite his teeth at the sight. The snow guards had trained together for ten years. Although conflicts and competition existed between them, he was the head of the snow guards and couldn’t bear to watch one of his own die like this.

From his bosom, he took out a circular cylinder. Taking the wooden lid off, a ‘peng’ sound erupted and the night sky became illuminated.

“Young Master it’s not good, more and more intruders are entering the stronghold!”

A white clothed emissary staggered into the meeting hall and anxiously reported. In an instant the Elder’s faces all changed color and Mu Yalun’s elegant face turned even more grave. This time, the surprise attack was too sudden and they weren’t prepared, truly puting them at a disadvantage. But, they must not allow Blue Snow Stronghold sink into a state of peril.

“Recall all of the ling yu* around the country!”

“This!” Several Elders looked at each other in dismay. He wanted to suddenly recall all of the ling yu… What was to be done with the supervision of those divisions then? How could they control those figures in the martial artists’ circles if they recalled all the ling yu?

“Young Master this absolutely cannot be done, ah!”

“I understand.” Mu Yalun muttered to himself before saying, “But right now we can’t change our circumstances. Besides we’ll only be secretly removing the ling yu, we won’t allow others to discover this.”

The hall became heavy and became filled with low sighs. Each of the Elders understood that this move was the only option now.

On the large, beautiful bed, Gu Weiyi tossed and turned, feeling like it was impossible to sleep. In actuality, she had been sleeping, but she had been awoken by a strange sound that alarmed her. Tonight she felt something abnormal within Blue Snow Stronghold, causing her to feel nervous in her heart.

In the midst of her worrying, she spotted a light movement outside the window and instantly became alert. Soon after, the sounds of paper being damaged** could be heard and a thin bamboo pipe was pushed into the room, letting off a subtle fragrance in the room. In her heart, Gu Weiyi sneered and she began to control her breathing. She’d grown tired of such cheap tricks from watching soap operas. Moreover, how could her body be affected by such a minor confusing fragrance when it was resistant against a hundred poisons? She had to find out who had something against her!

After a moment, the room’s door slowly swung open and Gu Weiyi shut her eyes, feigning sleep. Relying on her keen sense of hearing, she heard the sounds of someone nearing her. The person’s footsteps were light, indicating that they were an expert. The footsteps stilled by the side of her bed and Gu Weiyi could feel the person intensely staring at her. For some unknown reason, Gu Weiyi felt that the person wasn’t filled with good intentions and their staring sent shivers all over her body.

The person continued to intensely stare at Gu Weiyi for a long time and didn’t make any movements to stop. So, Gu Weiyi continued to feign sleep, but the entire time she was so scared that cold sweat practically started to come out. This guy was acting like so and didn’t hurry up and do whatever they wanted to do, she was practically about to stiffen and give herself away.

Just before Gu Weiyi was about to involuntarily give herself away, the person finally made their move. Stooping down, they hoisted Gu Weiyi up and put her over their shoulder. Carrying her like this, they quickly flew out of the room. The person seemed to hold no tender feelings for the fairer sex as their actions were quite rough. It caused Gu Weiyi to bitterly complain in her heart. Her body ached due to this person’s movements, but she couldn’t voice her complaints and could only try her best to endure. Whoever this damned guy was, she, Gu Weiyi, silently vowed to herself that she would pay them back for their actions tonight, by tenfold!

She felt the person fly faster and faster. Even as a frequent flier, this was still the first time Gu Weiyi had experienced such rough treatment. On top of this, she still had to pretend like she didn’t feel any of this and keep her breathing steady. In this position, her upper body was left hanging upside down and she could feel all her blood rushing to her brain. This feeling of hyperemia was truly torturous. Her face felt like it was burning and Gu Weiyi knew that her face had to be shockingly red from the increased blood flow. Luckily it was night time and the person hadn’t seen her face, because if they did, she wasn’t sure what would happen.

Gu Weiyi secretly opened her eyes and despite it being dark, she could still see that it was one of Blue Snow Stronghold’s more desolate corners. In this corner there was a small house that was used to store unused items. She ha dcome across this house once when she had been bored in the stronghold. She asked about it but never went inside. Why would this unknown person bring her to this remote corner, what would they do to her?

The man softly landed on the ground in front of the house. She heard the sound of a door being pushed open as well as a man’s soft voice. Immediately, Gu Weiyi shut her eyes. Soon after she felt a light and deducted that it had most likely come from a candle that had been lit.

“You’ve arrived, how is it?”

The voice was completely serious and carried a hint of vigor. When Gu Weiyi heard it she couldn’t shake off the feeling that the voice was somewhat familiar, she must’ve heard it somewhere before… But who could it be?

“Reporting to Elder, she’s already fallen into a deep sleep. This beautiful woman doesn’t have any martial arts, it seems like Xiu Luo villa is truly assured, ah!”

This voice was Zhuang Sheng! The same Zhuang Sheng that could never see her in a good light, the one that always wanted to drive her out of the stronghold! Now he was acting like this, did he intend to go against Mu Yalun and secretly bring her out of the stronghold? She hadn’t expected that he disliked her so much. Her heart darkened. She, Gu Weiyi, also had such a defeated time. Were their current actions an attempt to get rid of her, or was it in preparation to silence her by killing her? But, Elder… That voice… Could it be the same old man that had grabbed her by the neck that day? Had Zhuang Sheng allied with him and they both schemed against herself?

She thought over all of these in her heart and everything was all in a jumbled up mess. In her ear she heard Elder Fu’s gloomy voice, “Regardless of how it is, bind her up. She’s going to be used as blackmail material against Xiu Luo villa! They already fought their way into the stronghold. If we have their mei mei [1], I don’t believe that they won’t have any worries!

Fought their way in? Did they invade Blue Snow Stronghold? It couldn’t be her gege, how did they know that she was in Blue Snow Stronghold? According to what she heard from eavesdropping outside the window that day, hadn’t Lan Sheng Ling already leaked out information that she was in his hands? Even if she did escape, Lan Sheng Ling would certainly never tell gege this information. It was likely that he would even find a substitute to deceive gege. In that case, why would they come invade Blue Snow Stronghold?

In seconds, Gu Weiyi became extremely confused! If gege had truly fought their way into the stronghold, they wouldn’t let Blue Snow Stronghold off lightly, according to their extremely ruthless methods. In that case, wouldn’t this human paradise be destroyed because of herself? If such an outcome truly happened, how was she meant to look Mu Yalun in the eye? She couldn’t just ignore this soft as water male’s tender treatment toward herself.

*I first interpreted this as a person, but it seems it’s the name of some sort of group

**In classical Chinese architecture, paper was commonly used for window screens and even doors (traditional Chinese doors had windows)

[1] mei mei – younger siste