Chapter 335 Father And Son

Name:Addicted To Love Author:Peach
The reporters took care not to ruffle any feathers and always projected kindness.

"Thank you all for your hard work." Amelia greeted the reporters with a bow when she walked to the gate of the Zhan Group headquarters.

Eric stepped forward to meet her as she approached the front desk.

"Mrs. Amelia, you..." The thought of the situation earlier had Eric sweating buckets in panic.

Amelia saw how the event bothered Eric's usually calm, unflappable self so much that he was stuttering to find the right words.

All of Lucian's staff looked worried and at a loss on how to deal with their boss's issue.

"Eric! I need to see Lucian!" Amelia pleaded with Eric.

After a slight pause, Eric gave her a small nod of assent. Eric led her to the CEO's private lift and respectfully stepped aside to let her enter the elevator.

Amelia did not expect Eric's acquiescence; all along, she thought that he was one of the people who were staunchly opposed to her meeting with Lucian.

"Isn't Lucian busy now?" asked Amelia.

"The CEO knows that you are downstairs, so he especially sent me to pick you up."

Eric's answer gave her a small feeling of happiness. "Lucian should not find out that I've had a lot to deal with."

"If the receptionist hadn't come up to report it, Mr. Lucian and I really wouldn't have found out about it..." Lucian would not have known about Amelia's problems because he had always ignored what reporters said.

His cold attitude toward reporters was well known, but that did not stop them from swarming to the Zhan Group office to wait for a scoop.

Lucian thought that they would leave if they failed to get any information from the Zhan Group. Unexpectedly, Amelia made an a

after all that I've done..."

His guilt weighed down the atmosphere inside the study, but Amelia felt that he needed to get it off his chest. She sat there, attentively listening to Nicholas.

"Dad, Lucian and I don't hold anything that had happened in the past against you. As long as you're happy and safe, that's all that matters." Her father's precautions against Lucian in the past must be burdening him the most.

Lucian chimed in, "Amelia's right. I understand why you had to do those things and I do not hate you for them. On the contrary, I am grateful to you for raising me to be the person that I am today."

The thought of his family background still caused Lucian a twinge of pain, but he had learned to get over it.

He was not an evil person by default just because he was Edmund's son. Moreover, he did not intend to sever the father-and-son relationship that he had with Nicholas.

"I know that you specifically asked me not to watch the news, but I have heard about what has happened to the An Group recently. Lucian, I'm not glad about it, but I do think that the group is finally getting their just desserts. There's divine justice in how the An Group is now reaping the evil that Edmund had sown."

The public had always thought that the An and Zhan families were on good terms. However, given his acuity about certain things, Nicholas sensed that the relationship between the two families had become tenuous.

Nicholas could not help but worry.

"Don't worry. You have devoted your entire life to the Zhan Group. I will not be taking the reins off my hands any time soon." Lucian knew how this must be weighing down on Nicholas' mind, so he made a promise to him in front of Amelia.