Chapter 273 Fannie Made Trouble With Lily On Purpose

Name:Addicted To Love Author:Peach
Mark had always been a well-behaved kid. Even though everyone knew that he missed his mom dearly, Mark was brave enough not to cry.

"Let me carry Mark upstairs," Lily deliberately said with a low voice.

Due to Fannie's presence, Lily's usual tasks started to seem more tiring.

"What's wrong with you? If you can't do this job properly, then I must tell Lucian to fire you. How can you be so inefficient?" Fannie stood up and pointed her anger onto Lily.

Sasha pretended to be the good cop and said, "Auntie, please calm down. Anger does not suit you. Also, Lily is the only helper here in SJ Garden. She can't do everything all at once, auntie."

"I just remembered that morning when Lucian fired two helpers that I recommended because of that stupid Amelia," Fannie vented. She surmised that her anger was all because of Amelia.

Sasha immediately recognized that Fannie despised Amelia too. That made winning Fannie's approval much easier for Sasha. She knew that if she played her cards right, Fannie would be on her side in no time. In that case, Sasha and her baby would be accepted seamlessly into Lucian's family.

Contrary to what Sasha thought, everything did not seem so seamless. She had gone through so much trouble just to be in the position she was in.

Sasha was more than willing to go through those depths. At the end of the day, Sasha knew that she would come out as the biggest winner.

"Let me hug you, Mark." With a false smile, Sasha walked towards Mark and stretched out

lia retorted unto Michael.

Michael handed her a bottle of coke and gulped his down. "Don't be extremely arrogant. Lucian likes you, but that doesn't mean I'm also like him," he returned.

After Michael finished his words, he glanced at Amelia with disdain.

Amelia found that to be very amusing. "So people have said, as I married Lucian, that I've won the lottery..."

She used to be proud of that sentiment. At that moment, she felt nothing but despair.

Seeing Amelia's reaction, Michael suppressed his chuckle and asked, "What's wrong, Amelia? What happened?"

"Why do you care? Would it amuse you to know that I am miserable?" Amelia, due to her sadness, was unable to recognize the kindness that Michael exhibited.

Confused, Michael cheekily said, "You're my sister-in-law. If something bad were to happen to you, I should be concerned."

'I must be a nuisance to this guy,' Amelia thought.

Amelia did not know how to answer and simply pouted in response.

"You're Lucian's friend. It's best if you stay away from me." Amelia deliberately dismissed Michael's company.

Michael probed unto Amelia and asked, "Were you crying earlier?"

"It's none of your business!" Amelia turned her back at Michael and checked her face through a mirror she had in her pocket. She realized that there was no hiding how puffy her eyes were, nor how red her nose was.

"Not only are your eyes swollen, your face gives away your sorrow." Michael continued describing what Amelia was looking like now.