Chapter 250 What A Small World

Name:Addicted To Love Author:Peach
"Lucian, why are you home so early today?" Amelia asked softly when they were eating in the dining room. She was surprised because this was the first time that Lucian came home ahead of her.

"I finish everything in the office early so I decided to go home," replied Lucian. Actually, he wasn't really in the mood to work today so after dealing with a few important documents, he went home.

He thought that he could see Amelia when he got home, but unfortunately she wasn't there yet.

Thinking that she must be at the flower shop, Lucian didn't bother to call her. He knew that she was sometimes busy with her work there. However, he began to feel anxious when Amelia hadn't returned yet when it was already dinnertime.

He had cooked dinner for them. "You are getting better at cooking," commented Amelia.

The truth was, Amelia didn't know what to say. She was so nervous and she was afraid that she might say something wrong.

She had finally understood why Lucian didn't tell her the truth. Maybe they both lacked the courage to face the fact.

"Why are you sweating?" Lucian noticed the beads of sweat on Amelia's forehead so he handed her a tissue.

"Why are you sweating a lot when the air conditioner is on?" asked Lucian again.

Amelia felt a bit guilty when she saw the quizzical look on Lucian's face. "I did some workout before I came home," she lied. She made a face and stuck out her tongue to make her lie more believable.

"Eat first then take a shower after you get some rest."

Amelia wasn't sure if Lucian believed in her excuse but she just nodded obediently. It looked like Lucian was also absorbed in his own thoughts.

But even though both of them were deep in thought, they still cared for each other. The love they had for each other was enough to still feel the warm even if they were sad.

Amelia was tossing and turning in bed. She did her best to fall asleep but

ldn't ask you to go with me because you were busy so I decided to go alone. I just wanted to have some fresh air by the seashore. Who would have thought that someone would think that I was committing suicide?" she explained as she glared at Michael.

"Yes, that's right. I just totally misunderstood your wife yesterday," agreed Michael. He noticed Amelia's sharp glare. If only looks could kill, Michael would have been dead now.

"You two made me confused." Lucian shook his head helplessly.

""Lucian, did you..." Amelia was about to ask Lucian if he was hurt when he tripped this morning but she stopped when she remembered that Michael was still there. She thought, it wouldn't be appropriate to ask the question with someone else around.

"By the way Amelia, this is Michael. We were classmates when we studied abroad. We're also at the same age. He owns some restaurant chains here in our country." "Hello," greeted Amelia as she nodded politely.

"The Zhan Group also takes part in the catering industry. I hope we can also do business with you in the future," she added innocently.

"Huh! Now I'm curious why the excellent Lucian married a woman like you. What business are you talking about?" Michael deliberately teased her in front of Lucian.

"My wife is actually a very simple woman." Lucian corrected Michael's words and looked at Amelia dotingly.

Amelia understood what Lucian meant. She was a person who disliked the business world so he didn't involve her in his job.

There was a time when the Zhan Group was in danger and Amelia remorsefully blamed herself for not being able to help. However, Lucian told her that he preferred her naivety and someone like her would be very difficult to find. In short, Lucian liked her the way she was and she didn't need to pretend to be someone else. Because of that, she could rest assured that Lucian's love for her was pure and genuine.