Chapter 216 Come With Me, Amelia

Name:Addicted To Love Author:Peach
It was early morning. The hallway was too quiet and gloomy, even for that building. It felt as if that was the most serious vibe the place had for weeks. To no surprise, the doorway that led to the CEO's office was closed.

"Bang Bang Bang..." Without any regard for subtlety, Courtney knocked loudly at the door.

Amelia was not too fond of the meeting that would follow. She knew that at any moment, the doors would swing open. This sent butterflies to her stomach. She wondered if Jonny was inside that room, and if Lucian was there with him...

She was right. The two men were actually inside. They were sitting face to face when they heard the knock. The interruption merited an exchange of silent glances between the two men. Lucian could not refrain from sneering. Jonny, on the other hand, maintained a warm inviting expression on his face.

"I told you not to test the goodness of Amelia any further. Her soul is of the kindest manner." Jonny burst with emotion. He was so enamored with Amelia that he raised such a great concern. His words genuinely sounded like they came from a place of love rather than heartache.

"Don't use sweet words to cover up your hypocrisy, Jonny. Especially now that Amelia is here." After such a cynical rebuttal, Lucian stood up and walked to the door. As slender as ever, he opened the door gently.

"Lucian, it's you!" Courtney stood behind Amelia. She was shocked to see Lucian get the door for them. Courtney asked, "Did you come to the An Group to talk business with Jonny?"

'If we happen to interrupt Lucian and Jonny in the middle of their business meeting, it will surely be terrible for Amelia,' Courtney thought.

As Lucian opened the door, Jonny felt like he was struck by lightning

move at all.

As the cool breeze blew, her long black hair fluttered gracefully to its own music.

All of a sudden, everything went silent. Amelia could hear her heartbeat. The stillness of her surroundings comforted her.

Lucian noticed that Amelia had kept quiet the whole time. He put his arms carefully around her dainty waist, and with a doting smile he asked, "Do you worry about me?"

The question somehow swung the mood of the scene. It reminded Amelia of all the faults Lucian had. Out of distaste, Amelia vented, "No one worries about you, Lucian. I am more worried that yesterday's incident will happen again!"

Although she would not admit it, she still cared a lot for Lucian. They were man and wife after all. However, her concern about the fiasco that transpired the day before was completely true.

Otherwise, she wouldn't care to drive all the way to the Zhan Group, and then to the An Group.

Lucian could read her so easily. He knew which one was the truth, and which one was the lie. To Amelia's surprise, Lucian gave her a big happy smile.

"Lucian, don't think you're crazy these two days?" asked Amelia.

"Like a mad man?" Of course, Lucian had the cheek to say that.

Amelia was totally confused. She glared at Lucian and asked, "Why do you hate Jonny so much?"

Hearing that name vexed Lucian, more especially that it came from Amelia. He frowned and responded, "He deserves it." Lucian's tone was suddenly thin and cold.

"Lucian, why do you have to act so childish?" Lucian's answer seemed immature to Amelia, and that annoyed her profoundly.

Lucian grew angrier. However, it only took one glance at Amelia for his anger to dissipate. Things had always been this way, and it puzzled Lucian dearly.