Chapter 1528

Outside sunset village!

Under the setting sun, Yang Feng knelt on the loess. This is his hometown, the place where he was born and raised, leaving his childhood memories.

Of course, it's just that the memory is not good.

This is his father's hometown and the place where his grandparents lived.

But he never came back here since he left as a child.

Today, after more than ten years, he finally returned here.

"Sunset village, I'm back."

Yang Feng's body trembled, his hands holding the yellow soil, tears dripping in the loess.

Even though he is a tough man, even if he is the leader of the Purdue gate, even though he once dominated the world, at this moment, he is still like an ordinary man.

The yearning for my hometown, the yearning for my hometown, the feeling that things are right and people are wrong, the vicissitudes of life.

"Brother, come on, come and catch me!"

"Hee hee, ha ha..."

In the breeze, a familiar voice came. It was Xiao Qi's voice.

Yang Feng looked up slowly and looked at the dilapidated village. He seemed to see a petite shadow under the sunset.

That is Xiao Qi. She is so lovely and beautiful. She is so lively.

But such a beautiful and lively little girl is born disabled.

"Brother, I must marry you when I grow up." Xiao Qi said with a smile.

"Well, I will accompany you when I grow up." A little boy said happily.

"Brother, but I am born disabled. You are a normal person. I don't deserve you."

In the breeze, Xiao Qi lowered his head and was very depressed. Because all the people in this village, except the little boy, are disabled.

The little boy was Yang Feng when he was a child. In fact, Yang Feng was not without defects, but its curve was not in his limbs.

"Xiao Qi, I will accompany you forever." The little boy promised.

"Brother, I'm leaving tomorrow."

Suddenly, Xiao Qi raised his head and looked at the little boy with clear eyes.

"Where are you going?" Asked the little boy.

"Brother, I'm going out with my uncles and aunts. I'm going to see a doctor. When I'm ready, I'll come back to you. Brother, it's getting late. Bye. Go back and have a rest early."

Under the setting sun, the little girl's figure gradually disappeared.

The next morning, Xiao Qi followed a group of people and set out from sunset village.

That morning, Yang Feng also stood at the head of the village and personally sent Xiao Qi.

"Elder brother, you wait for me. When I come back, I will come back alive."

After leaving this sentence, the little girl left.

Then day after day, month after month, the little boy stood at the head of the village, looking forward to the little girl's return.

As time goes by, the flowers bloom and fall, and the grass is green and yellow, but day after day, Xiao Qi still doesn't come back.

In the dusk and sunset again and again, the little boy was eager to see through. He was very anxious. He didn't know how many times he swore that as long as Xiao Qi could come back safely, he would double his treasure.

As long as Xiao Qi can come back alive, he will marry Xiao Qi when he grows up in the future.

He wanted to say three words to Xiao Qi.

These three words are not I love you, nor do I miss you, but I'm sorry.

In fact, although he got along well with Xiao Qi and said he didn't care that Xiao Qi was born with defects, he still had some resistance in his heart.

If there was no resistance in his heart, he wouldn't let him go out for a doctor carefully.

Finally one day, the team who went out for medical treatment came back.

The little boy ran over excitedly. He wanted little seven very much and wanted to say to little seven, no matter you are born disabled or whether you can recover in the future, I don't care. I want to be with you forever.

However, when the little boy ran over, he didn't see Xiao Qi or the lively and lovely little girl.

He only saw the coffin. It was a dark coffin, cold, afraid and suffocating.

Even after more than ten years, Yang Feng still couldn't forget his mood at that time.

When the little boy learned that Xiao Qi was willing to bear the pain of thousands of cuts for everyone and the villagers. It turned out that they found a medical family, but the other party put forward a request. If you want to get treatment, someone must bear the pain of thousands of cuts.

Xiao Qi stood up and gave up her life.

Unexpectedly, there was no team for medical treatment in that medical family, just a cold word.

Mole ants don't deserve treatment!

Xiao Qi's efforts were in vain. Her death only left a joke.

The little boy, desperately shouting and crying, kept stroking the coffin.

"Xiao Qi, I've figured it out. I want to say sorry to you. I shouldn't be biased against you, but you can't hear me."

"Xiao Qi, if you can live, I don't mind if you are disabled. I don't care. I really don't care. Even if you can't recover and become a normal person all your life, I'm willing to protect you all your life."

"Xiao Qi, can you hear me? You wake up quickly, I wake up. "

"Haha, haha..."

The little boy cried out in pain, and her voice was hoarse.

In one's life, some regrets can be made up, but some regrets can never be made up.

Some people turn around and miss their whole life.

The little boy regretted it very much. If he held Xiao Qi's hand tightly that night and didn't let the little girl go, he would have no regrets in his life.

However, he could not make up for this regret all his life.

"Ha ha..."

Yang Feng, kneeling on the loess, suddenly smiled. He held the yellow soil in his hands, and his tears kept falling.

"Sorry, sorry."

What a pity!

What a pity!


Yang Feng's voice constantly echoed in the sunset and floated away with the wind.



Zhang Wu knelt sadly on the ground and said painfully, "boss, what are you sorry about? Why are you crying?"

"Ha ha."

Yang Feng burst into tears. He looked at Zhang Wu and said, "I'm sorry. I've left the biggest regret in my life. It's a pity that I can't make up for it."


Zhang Wu said painfully, "don't do this. Your tall image in my heart is gone."

"Ha ha..."

Yang Feng smiled. A sad voice came and said, "in your heart, I am tall, I am great, I can do anything, I am strong, but who knows the fragile side of my heart."

"Boss, you are an expert now. You are the sect leader now. You have brothers and power. No matter what you want or do, as long as you give an order, there will be millions of heroes." Zhang Wu said.

"I have brothers."

"I have power."

"I have a million heroes."

Under the setting sun, Yang Feng's trembling voice came: "but what can I do even if I have all this, because it's too late."

Hoo Hoo!

The wind blows, the sunset sets and the yellow sand rises.

Yang Feng stood up and ran quickly to sunset village.

In that village, he left his childhood memories. He wanted to see, to see his parents and villagers, to see his neighbors. Even if things are right and people are wrong, he also wanted to see, because even if the vicissitudes of life, the Loess under his feet is still the loess that used to be.

"Boss, boss."

In the breeze, Zhang Wu's anxious cry came.

Sunset village!

At the head of the village, there is a lonely grave in the grass.

The tomb is not big, but the stone tablet is big.

Late, Tomb of little seven!

The six big characters are engraved in the center of the stone tablet, and small characters are engraved on both sides of the tombstone.

If the sunset village is not destroyed, this monument will not fall!

All descendants of sunset village regard this tomb as their ancestral tomb.

This is the tombstone that the villagers set up for Xiao Qi in person, and the villagers promised that the incense in the stingy grave would not be extinguished as long as the village was still there and their descendants were still there.


Under the quiet sunset, Yang Feng was distracted and quietly looked at the lonely tomb.


The breeze blew, and there was a sound of clatter in the luxuriant grass.

"Xiao Qi, are you calling me?" Looking at the lonely tomb, Yang Feng felt very painful.

Xiao Qi sleeps in the ground alone, very lonely, very lonely.


The withered grass with luxuriant grass continued to make a clattering sound.

Step, step!

Yang Feng walked slowly into the grass and walked towards the grave step by step. After more than ten steps, he went to the solitary grave.


The solitary grave was rocked by weeds.


In the corner of Yang Feng's eyes, a crystal clear tear fell. He slowly stretched out his hand and gently stroked the tombstone of the tomb.

"Sorry, I'm late. I only have some childhood memories, the deepest memories, so I can't find our hometown in the past ten years." Yang Feng's low voice came.

At that time, he was still young, so he couldn't remember anything except the deepest memory.

Hoo Hoo!

The breeze under the setting sun is blowing, like the soul of Xiaoqi. What are you telling Xiaohe?

Maybe she wants to say that she has missed Yang Feng all these years.

Maybe she wants to say that she is so lonely.

"That sunset night, if I held your hand tightly and didn't let you go, I wouldn't leave regret."

"Xiao Qi..."

Yang Feng's voice trembled and said, "I'd rather use thousands of sunsets in exchange for that one, but I know it's too late."

"Boss, who is she?" Zhang Wu stood aside and asked curiously.

Yang Feng didn't answer Zhang Wu's words. He continued to look at the lonely tomb and said, "I think I'm worthy of heaven and earth and my heart, but I'm ashamed of you. In fact, I can't blame myself, because we were all young at that time. When I grew up, it was too late."


The fragrant grass continued to shake, as if Xiao Qi was talking to Yang Feng again.

As if Xiao Qi said to Yang Feng again“ Brother, I don't blame you. "

"Life is a lifetime, vegetation is an autumn, everyone has the day to return to the loess. If there is an afterlife, you and I are born in the sunset village, I am still me, you are still you. That night, under the sunset, the little boy will hold the little girl's hand tightly."

Yang Feng's murmuring voice came slowly.

"Who are you? Why are you here? "

Behind them came a voice of discontent.