Situfeng said with a smile: "I always know how much I have to carry, so I won't feel so tired."

"Well, it's good to know. If you know, you won't escape, but remember a little Those who bear the mission of heaven will pay a lot of good things, but they are also lucky people. All you give will be rewarded with good luck. "

"Yes, master This time, the girl recovered one, the thunder beast. "

The original emperor was stunned.

Gods and beasts?

"The thunder beast described in the book?"

"Good! It's a descendant of green maple world, white tiger and rosefinch. This time, he found that he could swallow the sky thunder alive, and then absorb the sky thunder and evolve! "

"Where is it?" The primitive Heavenly Master said excitedly.

"In the fairyland, it seems that I have swallowed more thunder for the first time, and it is still in the state of cultivation."

"Good boy! You can bump into such a rare thing. "

"So, what the master said in return I believe it. Although God has given us a lot of tribulations, it has also given us rewards. "

"You've got to listen and use it now." The primitive Heavenly Master could not cry and laugh.

"It's just from what happened."

"Well, you should have advised you to go according to the will of heaven, but you have to go against the heaven. However, as a teacher, you don't have to say much. In the future, be good!"

"Thank you for worrying about me, master." "People, when I live to my age, I will feel that it is a luxury to have a few people to worry about! How many old Fairies in heaven are old and helpless. When they are young, they pay too much attention to cultivation. When they are old, they can only practice

, because you don't know what else you can do after practice. "

Just like ordinary people, empty nesters.

Situ Feng said with a smile: "master, now, a bunch of little guys are worrying about you. It's hard to estimate every day." "Ha ha ha ha ha That's not worrying. The children are young and simple! But he is also very sensible. It is better to say that I take care of them for you than to accompany my old man! Every day, live a full life! If you have nothing to teach children, you will be knocked on the back and pinched on the shoulder. It will be a quick time

"The master is happy."

It's getting late. Chen Qingqing is reluctant to give up his son Yin and Xiaoxiao, and plans not to return to the demon clan tonight.

Anyway, no one is rare to go back. The demon king and queen all agree to get married. Next, they are preparing for the dowry!

Because the betrothal gifts brought by the emperor and the empress of God are very valuable things.

It makes people feel that Chen Qingqing is very much in mind.

According to the words of the demon queen, if it had been sold to Chen Qingqing before, it would not have brought so many precious things!

They are all the treasures in the heavenly palace.

Other people's heavenly palace are so sincere, their demon clan can't lag behind!

Moreover, the two families also reached a consensus that Chen Qingqing, the demon princess, married situfeng, the God of heaven palace, which also represented the marriage of the two families.

In the future, demons and Protoss will coexist peacefully.

Therefore, there are many things that need to be operated.

The first thing to do is to announce it.

Let the people of both nationalities know about it.

Then, look at the reaction and find a way to deal with it.

And this can only be a matter for the king and queen of the two races to worry about.

Chen Qingqing and situ Feng stayed with the children in the immortal hall for a night.

The next day he sent the children to Xiaoxian college and went back to Shangshen academy together.

The elders guarding the Mountain Gate saw them appear and respectfully said, "I have seen the God of the heavenly palace."

Chen Qingqing, the demon princess, did not salute.

Chen Qingqing does not mind, went to the demon clan, situfeng also did not have this treatment.

Situ Feng nodded his head: "don't be too polite."

After that, he took Chen Qingqing to Shangshen Academy.

It's only been more than ten days, and nothing has changed here.

Walking to the door of Xinxin class, I heard a burst of excitement inside.

"My God! Yiyi, the days have been moist! So soon

"Haha God fetus needs tens of thousands of years of nourishment, early pregnancy, early peace of mind. " Nalan Yiyi said shyly.

Zhang Fangfang teased her and said, "you are not a divine child! You are a devil


"Nanxi belongs to ancient demons."

"Yes! Honey, tell me How long do you usually have to give birth to the fetuses of demons? "

Gu Nanxi said with a smile: "the concrete is not clear, it should not be as long as the Protoss."

"Really! Ha ha, then you don't have to kick a ball for tens of thousands of years like Qingqing. "

Chen Qing couldn't help but stand outside.what the hell!

I'm not pregnant, no difference!

Where is the ball? The belly is flat.

But suddenly I felt something was wrong.

Before going down to the earth, the gentle abdomen has been slightly raised.

But I didn't look at it carefully.

At this moment, the hand can not stop attached to the abdomen.

Situ Feng followed her line of sight to see the past, not knowing why: "what's the matter?"

"Situ Feng, my stomach has grown up..."

"The girl is too thoughtful. It's not big."

"But my stomach was flat before."

Situfeng cried and laughed and said, "you are not even fat. What's the big deal?"

"Yi Yi said that I ran with the ball, but I was not convinced Now I feel like kicking the ball

"Silly girl Children will grow older one day. Everything has a process. "

"When the belly is big, the child is growing. It was like this when I was pregnant I should be happy when they grow up. "

"Well, dear, don't think about seven or eight."

He discovered it, but he never dared to say.

As long as it's a woman, whether it's earthly or celestial, she'll care about her figure.

However, this is only the beginning.

After that, the stomach will only be bigger.

If Chen Qingqing is pregnant for the first time, he will certainly not adapt to it.

But in the mortal world, in October, Yaya was pregnant. At that time, situ Feng was not around.

How big a stomach, is never.

At the moment, I'm also getting used to it.

Hearing this, Zhang Fangfang said, "according to Yiyi, I was still pregnant in mortal world. I was born in less than ten months, not faster."

"Yes! At that time, it was just you and Qingqing Well, good luck. "

Think of, mufeifei is also mortal pregnancy, but the fetus did not bring up, shut up.

As expected, mufeifei's face turned pale.

Shangguan Qi's heart thumped with joy, and his eyes swept toward her.

I feel bad secretly. Zhang Fangfang and Nalan Yiyi also knew that they had made a slip of the tongue, so they quickly said, "Feifei, don't think about it, baby. There will be some in the future. We can get pregnant with more efforts."