Looking at Lu silent, who was full of breath on his cheeks, he flattered and coaxed: "Lu silent, what are we angry with a child? It's not worth it, is it? Are you tired? Why don't you let me go back? I don't want to carry it. That's ok. Hold it!"

"Go away, who wants you to hold!" Lu silently pushed away the man who was about to come and hold people. He hummed. As soon as the elevator opened, he walked out quickly.

Back in the apartment, Lu silently went to the refrigerator, took out a lot of snacks, held them on the sofa, tore open the snack bag and looked for the TV remote control. He couldn't find it for a long time. He was so angry that he could bite the puffs.

When there was nothing to do, a remote control stretched out in front of her without warning. The Tang Dynasty looked up and winked at her: "Lu silent, are you looking for this thing?"

"No!" Lu silently couldn't lower his face. With a twist of his head, he sat on the sofa and continued eating snacks.

Her careful thoughts were all written on her face. The Tang Dynasty didn't break her. She directly turned on the TV, tuned to the animation channel she most often watched, threw away the remote control, squeezed beside her, sat down next to her, and brazenly reached out to take snacks from the snack bag in her hand.

Lu silently stared at him and despised him: "Hey! Why do you eat my puffs?!"

Who saw her eating snacks and said scornfully that what she ate was junk food?!

Now he forgot what he said. Even if he forgot, he robbed her of snacks!

Really... Shameless enough!

"I'd like to try it if you eat so well." The Tang Dynasty took it for granted: "it tastes good, a little better than expected."

"Hey, hey! Don't eat my food. You have to buy it yourself! I don't have much stock!" Seeing his thief's hand stretched out again, Lu silently hurried to shrink. His whole body was close to the back of the sofa, holding his snacks with both hands.

Not only that, but also put a pile of snacks around them all in the scope of their arms. The really nervous little touch is just like the way primary school students draw the 38th line!

"Stingy." The Tang Dynasty hissed and leaned back on the back of the sofa in big characters. Lu silently didn't refute. What's wrong with being stingy? Anyway, he didn't plan to change it. Without him to rob, Lu silently ate more happily.

After a while, The sound of the Tang Dynasty: "What's wrong with you? I didn't want that little bastard to call me daddy, and didn't you see it? I scolded her very seriously and didn't dare to do it again in the future. Besides, Lanna, I'm innocent with her. This time it's all an accident. If I knew they would be there, I wouldn't take you there. It's bad."

"Bang, bang, Bang..." chewed potato chips.

"I said everything I should say. Why didn't you say anything?" The Tang Dynasty turned to look at her and stared at her face. From the expression to the eyes, they were all shouting and shouting, forgive me, forgive me, don't be angry, don't be angry!

"Gulu Gulu..." drink yogurt.

Lu silent vs Tang Shao, Tang Shao is defeated!

Drooping his head in frustration, Tang Shao sighed sadly. Yu Guang looked over and didn't respond?!

"Alas --!" Tang Shao thought, should you hear it this time?

"Ha ha..." when he heard the laughter, Tang Shao raised his head in an instant, with a smile of moved joy and satisfaction on his face. When it was clear that Lu silent was laughing at the TV, but not him, one face would be black. How fast should it be.