I don't know if she was stimulated by Lu silent and the Tang Dynasty. For the remaining two days, Caixuan simply went to her boyfriend's house and gave them enough space.

For this reason, Lu silently blushed, swung his pink fist and pounded the Tang Dynasty: "it's all your fault! It's all your fault! The elder sister must have heard the voice... It's dead!"

Holding the little fist pounded on his chest, Tang Shao smiled contentedly and indulged in it without any temper and position: "OK, blame me. It's all my fault. But since your sister is so generous, how can we not make good use of resources? You can shout louder tonight. I like to listen..."

"Shut up!" Pushing him away, Lu silently jumped a long way. He remembered that his fingers had gone there last night. His blood rushed straight to his face. No matter three, seven or twenty-one, he grabbed his bag and ran out.

"Slow down, what if you fall down? Hey, Lu silent, go home early in the evening, you know?" Tang Shao shouted behind her, like the head of a family.

After Lu silently went to the company to study with cartoonist Yamazaki, ah Cheng and others came in with a serious face with a mobile phone, "Tang Shao, Tang Ye's phone."

The Tang Dynasty glanced at him and raised his hand. "What's the matter, old man?"

Hang up the phone, the Tang Dynasty's face is solemn, the bottom of his eyes is intertwined with an undercurrent that is difficult to hide, and the palm on his knee is gradually clenched.

Ah Cheng knew what had happened. At this moment, he tentatively asked, "Tang Shao, are we going home or...?" Stay here and wait for Miss silent to go back together?

The Tang Dynasty frowned and stared at a certain place. It was invisible that it sent out a strong force. The sharp eyes, like a cheetah in the forest, were ready to attack and bite off the enemy's neck at any time.

He didn't speak, and ah Cheng and others didn't dare to urge. After all, it's important. Tang Shao still needs to make a decision about the shame of Tang clan.

Two years ago, Lord Tang was killed. If Mo Xiyan hadn't treated him in time, I'm afraid there would be no lord Tang. Later, it was found that the reason why Tang Ye was killed was that Fujiwara group spent a lot of money to hire the S-hand of the top killer alliance bloody Empire to assassinate him. For two years, Fujiwara group has fought with Fujiwara group several times, which has greatly frustrated Fujiwara group's spirit, together with the local black B faction Yamaguchi group. Now Fujiwara group has retreated quickly.

In order to prevent the Fujiwara group from jumping over the wall, ah Cheng has the responsibility to let Tang Shao leave r Ben as soon as possible. After all, the strong dragon can't suppress the local snake, and the hundred footed insects die but don't freeze. Even if the Fujiwara group retreats day by day, it's easy to move a person on their territory!

At that time, the distant water of Tang clan can't save the near fire, and Tang shaoke will be in danger!

In addition to Fujiwara group, another assassin who attacked Tang Ye s has also been investigated. Unfortunately, the whereabouts of the s hand of the bloody empire are very confidential and very easy for people to grasp. Even if the Tang clan employs a large amount of money as bait, it has not been able to hire the assassin code named "gray wolf".

However, not long ago, there was news in China that the whereabouts of gray wolf was found in X city. It was visually related to a recent evidence forum conference, and the target of his assassination was unknown.

This is a great time for Tangmen to take revenge. If you miss the next time, you won't know what year and month it is!

As the Tang Dynasty remained silent for a long time, ah Cheng's heart gradually cooled. It seems that Tang Shao's choice