He grabbed his neck with both hands and began to look down at himself in horror. No, it's not true!

Somebody tell her what's going on!

Seeing her self abuse, Christine broke her hands and pressed them on the bed On the, the clear eyes turned to her scarlet eyes, and her voice was calm: "listen, Catherine, you're sick and haven't recovered yet. The problems you're worried about are not a problem. When you recover, you'll have a complete body, okay?"

What are you worried about now?

So she's dumb now?

Can't you say anything?

Is that so?

She tried to calm her brain and think well, but her brain seemed to deliberately sing the opposite tune with her. If she focused on it for a while, it would hurt faintly. The more she thought, the more painful her head would be.

It's going to explode!

Covering her ears with both hands, Christine turned her head and shouted at the professors and experts: "why is she silent?! you'd better not tell me that this is the so-called sequelae in your mouth!"

Katherine's ears were tightly covered by him, only a buzzing sound was heard, and the professors and experts trembled with fear at Christine's roar, "Yu Shao, don't get excited. Miss Catherine hasn't fully recovered, and everything is still unknown. After all, this vaccine, there are no cured cases, and all the sequelae can only be checked after Miss Catherine recovers. Don't get excited. Now Miss Catherine is very sensitive. You should give her encouragement and bring her positive energy to face her illness 。 The patient's cooperative treatment will be of great help to the operation. If the patient is resistant to treatment, it is not a good phenomenon for you and Miss Catherine. "

"Don't talk to me about these things!" Christine's anger grew with Catherine's uneasy look. "I don't care what method you use, I have to cure her! If her voice is really dumb, you'll all be dumb with me!"

Everyone knows Yu Shao's temper. His position in the National Security Bureau can easily decide a person's life and death in a word.

No one would be foolish enough to question his words.

Professors and experts were in danger. After they promised to do their best to cure Catherine, they quickly launched to study the treatment plan.

After the ward was quiet, Christine restrained her anger and pulled the corners of her mouth to make her look not so bad. Then she turned to look at Catherine and released her hand covering her ears.

"Do you know who I am now?" He asked.

Catherine looked up at him in a low mood. She thought he was boring, so she didn't open her face again.

His face was pulled over and faced him again. Christine smiled, rubbed her lips with her fingers, and shook her slender index and middle fingers in front of her, "tell me, what's this?"

Catherine glared at him and turned her face away. Christine pinched her jaw three or two times and asked persistently, "tell me, what's this?"

"... childish!" Catherine growled.

Although there was no sound, looking at the lip shape, Christine understood.

The corners of his lips were slightly lifted, and he was in a particularly good mood. The haze that had been shrouded by dark clouds seemed to be pushed away by a gentle hand, and suddenly saw the bright sunshine.

When she was in a good mood, she teased her heart. She pinched her jaw and tightened her hand. She rubbed her lips with evil taste, strong enough to make her eat pain: "how dare you call me childish and brave, huh?"