The sound of "hissing" sounded, and the sound of clothes breaking sounded.

"Pa -" Katherine slapped her hand and said angrily, "Christine, what are you doing

Unable to guard against it, she slapped her right. Christine's narrow eyes narrowed dangerously. The tip of her tongue flirted with the corners of her lips and stared at her urgently: "I thought you knew what I was going to do. You've done everything. What else?"

With that, Christine, like an angry cheetah, sneered, "still pretending? Your body is much more honest than your mouth."

Catherine didn't expect him to do this to her in the bathroom!

Xiao Wei, who sent her back, is still outside. How can he!

"Christine, let me go, now!"

"What if I don't let go?" He sneered with disdain.

Feeling his danger, Catherine kept shrinking back, but behind her was the wall. No matter how she hid, she would inevitably touch him.

"Christine, don't do this!" She refused and discussed in a low voice.

Christine's eyes became more and more familiar, "don't what? Don't touch you? Or don't let Xiao Wei touch you in the presence, huh?"


Her chin was suddenly grabbed. Catherine was forced to look at him. Christine pinched her chin and tightened it slowly. "Why, how long has it been since she fell in love with Xiao Wei?"

"It's unreasonable!"

"Answer me, don't you!"

"Yes, I like him, so don't touch me, OK?"

My heart suddenly became stuffy, like a toy I had been playing well all the time. Suddenly one day, I was robbed by others. That anger instantly filled my chest.

Christine's eyes sank and bit hard at her lips

Harmony: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

The bathroom door wasn't closed. Christine deliberately left a gap so that people outside the door could hear what was happening inside.

Hearing Katherine's painful cry, Xiao Wei was about to push the door and rush into the bathroom. However, two steps away from the door, Kan Kan stopped.

What's the use of him going in now?

Stopped Christine, and then?

Then I saw Catherine's embarrassment. Is such a picture acceptable to her?

Xiao Wei is not sure

Raise your hand in the air, firmly clench it into a fist, and finally put it down.