Catherine said, "no, you love peace. Yes, that's because you love peace as a relative. The relationship between men and women."

"You are wrong! What I love is peace, the love of men and women!" Being pierced by others, Christine did not hesitate to veto it loudly.

Catherine looked at him with burning eyes and made a firm voice without flinching. "Even if the person you love is peaceful, it can't make me stop loving you. Christine, I love you and only love you. I don't want other women to have you, don't want to..."

Taking a deep breath, Catherine calmed her mood and said, "anyway, I love you. Now I just tell you that I didn't let you make a decision. It's getting late. Let's have a rest."

Christine stood there, surprised, frowning hard enough to kill a fly.

What did she say?

She just told him that she didn't let him make a decision?

Oh, that's funny. Why do you tell him if you don't let him make a decision? Deliberately blocking him, isn't it?

To tell the truth, he didn't expect Catherine to fall in love with him.

They have been together for so many years. They are like their left and right hands. They are inseparable and have a tacit understanding with each other.

There are endless tasks and endless people waiting for them.

I never had time to think about the long relationship between children and girls, nor did I have time and mood to think about these romantic things.

As soon as he heard her say love, his mind seemed to explode with a thunder!

Let him suffocate for a moment.

Before he said anything, Catherine had walked to the bed as if there were no one else, opened the quilt and turned over to lie on it. Christine was stunned, so she yelled, "what are you doing lying on it?"

Catherine looked at him innocently, and her voice was as cold as ever: "of course it's sleep."

Christine rubbed her forehead with a headache: "this is my bedroom. What you are lying on now is also my bed. Stay up and go back to your room!"

"But all the guest rooms are locked, and aunt Jiang has gone to bed." The implication is that she can't go to the guest room and can only sleep with him.

It's not the first time we've shared a bed What's the difference between sleeping once and sleeping a hundred times?

A person who is good at killing and stealing and cracking the precise passwords of all kinds of safes is a small case for her. She told him that she couldn't get in if the door was locked!

Christine felt a deep sense of powerlessness and oppression At that end, Catherine ignored him, found a comfortable position, lay down, and soon fell asleep.

Christine came to the wardrobe with an angry face, made a loud noise, found a suit of clothes, put it on, and slammed the door out.

When the sound of his footsteps disappeared at the end of the corridor, Catherine opened her eyes and climbed up the corner of her lips with a smile. Christine, you are sometimes forced to hurry.

Close your eyes and go to sleep again.

That night, Christine drove to the bar to drink until midnight, and finally went back to the villa to sleep.

The next morning.

Catherine got up and went downstairs to find Christine was not there.

Jiang Peihua greeted her into the restaurant for breakfast. She nodded absently.

The breakfast was very rich and integrated Chinese and western. She ate sandwiches and drank milk, thinking whether Christine didn't get up or left angry last night.

Jiang Peihua is from the past. Catherine's little mind can't hide her golden eyes. She jokingly opened her mouth to solve her doubts: "Christine's dead boy wasn't at home. The guard said that the boy left last night and hasn't come back all morning."