Christine is the illegitimate son of Rong family and the half brother of Rong Yan Brother's startling news was frightened by Rong Yan's behavior. He heard that Jiang Peihua was calling himself. He was stunned and couldn't react.

It's rare to see Luo Anning's dull appearance. Christine chuckles and ignores Rong Yan's muzzle and wants to go to Luo Anning.

The corner of Rongyan's lips was stirred up, the muzzle moved down and pulled the trigger.

"Bang -" the bullet went into the flesh.

Christine stepped down and her left arm was unnaturally vertical.

"Christine!" Catherine glared at Rongyan with hatred and came forward to check Christine's left shoulder blade.

Blood kept pouring out from the bullet hole. Catherine cursed and tore open her skirt to stop bleeding.

"Christine..." Luo Anning ran to him and looked at his injury anxiously.

Old man Rong trembled, "Rong Yu..."

Christine curled her lips with an unchanged smile and said to the two women in front of her, "I'm fine."

Immediately, his face was cold. He looked at old man Xiang Rong and said word by word: "my name is Christine. I'm not interested in climbing your Rong family!"

Old man Rong choked on his words and couldn't speak for a long time.

Catherine frowned and said seriously, "Christine, you need to take out the bullet as soon as possible!"

Christine shrugged helplessly. "Well, let's do this for the time being. All accounts will be long. Honey, go home with your brother."

Then he took the hand of peace and went out.

Luo Anning took two steps passively. His wrist was gripped in an instant. Rong Yan's angry voice sounded: "Rong Yu, are you showing your power to me?"

How dare you call him a woman in front of him, dear? Are you impatient?

Christine didn't hesitate to be angry. "Rongshao, I'm not only your insult, but also the failure of my mother's life. If Rongli hadn't forced..." he paused. He seemed to be holding back something and said in a low voice: "forget it, why mention the old past."

"Finish!" Rongyan said coldly.

Christine hummed, "No."

Rongyan was furious, "you want to die!"

Seeing Rongyan want to do something to hurt Christine, Luo Anning quickly hugged him and turned to Catherine: "Catherine, take Christine away quickly. His wound can't drag!"

Katherine nodded and pulled Christine's uninjured right hand out regardless of Christine's wishes.

"Peace, you let go of me." Rongyan is obviously angry.

"Don't let go! Christine saved my life in England. He was my Savior. I would have died in England without him. I won't watch you hurt him." Luo Anning hurried to tell Christine about saving her, hoping that he could look at this and don't hurt Christine again.

Indeed, Rongyan smelled the speech, his body became stiff and had no action.

Luo Anning breathed a sigh of relief. Christine, who was dragged to the door, suddenly stopped, turned back and looked at master Xiang Rong. There was a sharp light at the bottom of her eyes: "Whoever dares to move Anning, let me take care of his life first."

The implication is that if anyone dares to hurt peace again, don't blame him for killing anyone.

Old man Rong was shocked again and couldn't speak.

Jiang Peihua glanced at old man Rong and Mo Xiyan, who was protected by two servants, sighed and went forward to lead him up and down.