At this time, Baobao quietly said to the messenger: "because of the poor quality of the rest, Wang Ye still has infectious pox." The emissary's eyes were a little frightened. He immediately took back his steps and looked at him suspiciously.

Bao'an then nodded and said, "so for the public and the private, we are not able to divulge the news of the king's serious illness. At the same time, we are even less able to make people close to him. Since you are under the emperor's command, how about giving a decree to the king from a distance?"

Although the emissary found it difficult to hand over his duties to the emperor, he could not cure himself for his serious illness,. There was a deep worry in his eyes. At that time, after he had cried, he said firmly:

"the doctor said that the disease in ordinary people's life might have been gone for a long time, but Wang Ye is extraordinary. His physique is far stronger than that of ordinary people. I think Wang Ye will certainly survive, but it will take some time."

As they spoke, they moved to the main tent.

at first, the emissary still had deep doubts, but when he went, he felt goose bumps all over his body and felt uncomfortable everywhere.

At the moment when the curtain was lifted, he also had some intention of flinching. But when he knew the face of security, he was worried that he would laugh at himself and walked in with a stiff head.

there was a faint smell of bitter medicine in the tent. It seemed that security was telling the truth. Mr. Wang was lying in the tent. The curtain on one side was indistinct. Some soldiers raised it, but the security guard stopped them.

"This time, you don't have to be in the presence of your grown-ups. You all step back first." After drinking all the people back, he went into the room and said, "I've been waiting on the Lord since I was a child. Even if it's the same disease as the Lord, I'm willing to give up. Do you want to come in and have a look?"

The messenger waved his hand and said, "no, no, I'll just watch it outside."

The security inside was very happy. When he passed, he told the Lord in a low voice. However, Wang Ye's voice was extremely weak. With the help of security, when he sat up, he coughed in horror. The eardrum of the cough reliever was very sad.

he just stopped.

But he has no strength to speak, still let the security to help lie down.

When Bao'an went out, he looked sad:

"today, the weather suddenly turned cold, and Wang Ye's illness got worse. Alas, I don't know what to do now?

We wanted to go back to the imperial court, but the Lord insisted that he would be fine. He didn't want to disappoint the emperor. He just wanted the emperor to give him more time. "

Touching the imperial edict inside, the messenger's heart suddenly moved and his eyes twinkled. He asked: "how about a month?"

For a month, Bao Bao was very happy after hearing this. He nodded and said, "one month is enough. The LORD says he will be well in half a month. Then there will be half a month left, and we can attack Fengguo. That's great!"

But although he said yes, he still looked sad. This time, it was the messenger's turn to be nervous and said, "how can you lose faith in the Lord? The LORD said it's OK."

Security face sad, at this time earn a smile, but nodded and said: "yes." Although he said so and pretended to be happy, he looked very dignified.

Staying here, the emissary didn't want to hear any worse news. He took out the imperial edict and asked the security guard to pick up the king.

In the imperial edict, the emperor said that he should let the Lord attack quickly and take Fengguo down as soon as possible. He couldn't shirk it for any reason, but if it was really difficult, it could be postponed for a month.

After a month, no more hiding in the camp!

"Thank you for your kindness

Baobao took over the Edict and invited the messengers to stay for a few more days to witness the miracle of the Lord. But the emissary's face was bitter, and his heart was full of rejection:

"no, No. I'm very relieved to have you take care of the Lord. I don't think I'll rest here today. I have to rush back to the capital as soon as possible to reply to the emperor. You don't have to send it. You don't have to send it! "

The emissary left as if fleeing. There was a smile on Baobao's face. The corners of his eyes rose slightly, and he was finally relieved.

The emperor's tone was restrained, but he was still criticizing the Lord's inaction and sighed. How could the emperor know his ambition and love? It's just to urge the Lord to use his army. Ah

But now that he is the emperor, he can't be saved, so he has to tell the king what happened, so that he has a bottom in his heart.

But when he got back the news, he was overjoyed. Finally, Si Ziyi made a move, and this time, for the first time, it was amazing.

After thoroughly accepting Fengchi's heart, Si Ziyi began to prepare to capture the whole moon city.

There is only half of the military power in Fengchi, and the rest is in the hands of two generals. Fengchi wants to do the same trick again, but Si Ziyi doesn't agree. He just thinks the risk is too great.

What's more, even if they don't abide by the rules and regulations, they will be able to stand in their way as long as the emperor of Fengguo doesn't mind.Si Ziyi has a way to deal with them. First, he smiles at Fengchi mysteriously: "this kind of thing is easy for me."

Feng Chi didn't believe it. He looked at him askance: "how can you do it if you are alone and have no rights without soldiers?"

Si Ziyi's eyes are filled with a thin smile. He just asks Fengchi to do this.

The two generals were quite good friends. They often discussed political affairs in the same place and were extremely diligent. But on this day, Fengchi suddenly came with people. He pointed to the two men and said:

"you two have an affair with the enemy country, divulge information, come and arrest them!"

The soldiers behind him haven't moved yet, but someone rushed in behind him and didn't agree with the situation.

The generals did not change their countenance and looked across the wind pool: "what are you talking about? What evidence do you have for treason? If not, don't talk nonsense here. "

Feng Chi's hand was on the sword and walked back and forth in front of them, with a sneer on his lips:

"you don't have to act any more. We know everything about you very well. You and Si Ziyi often communicate with each other, and even this letter has been left in our hands."

He then took a letter out of his pocket and threw it in front of both of them. They hesitated and nervously opened the letter. Their faces changed greatly and they couldn't believe it.

But he immediately pleaded for himself: "it's all wrong. We haven't done anything like this!"

"Who wronged you?" Fengchi was awe inspiring. At this time, after all, they felt guilty and were scared for a moment.